𝚄𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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Warning! Incest Smut in this chapter!!

Anastacius' Bedroom

Athena and Anastacius arrived in his bedroom. Athena grabbed hold of Anastacius' face and started kissing him furiously. Anastacius kissed her back with more passion and then proceeded to pick her up. Athena instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. He moved and slammed her against a wall making her moan into the kiss. Hearing this inspired him to want to hear it more. He slowly licked her top and bottom lip begging for entrance; however, Athena refused entry. Seeing that he roughly cupped her left breast in his hand, making her gasp. That was enough for him to push his tongue inside her mouth. Both of them start to experience an incredible euphoria in their bodies.

Exploring each other's mouth for the first time, Anastacius could taste her mouth which tasted like the red wine she always drank. Athena, on the other hand, tasted a little bit of whiskey. After several minutes of exploring, they parted lips to breathe. Both started taking off their clothes and a minute later they were both nude. Anastacius kissed her once more, inserting more passion into the kiss, making Athena moan and grab his face in reflex. Anastacius guided her towards the bed. He laid her down gently on the bed and began trailing kisses down her neck and down towards her stomach in between her breast. Athena moaned in pleasure with her eyes closed and tilted her head to one side, allowing Anastacius more access.

Anastacius smirked slyly and started kissing her collarbone hard to leave a mark. A mark claiming her as his. When he was satisfied with the hickey, he cupped Athena's blushing face and met her desire filled eyes much like his own. He could tell that she was ready with her eyes that screamed lust.

"I love you, my beloved Rosa." Anastacius said and kissed her passionately. Athena cupped his cheeks with her hands. When he stopped kissing her, she smiled at him, making his eyes widen. "I love you too, An." She then kissed the wide-eyed crown prince who could not believe what his twin sister has said. All this time, he was worried that she would despise him for the feeling he has for her, but it seems that he was wrong. There was not an ounce of deceit in her words as she stated those three words he treasured.

Athena stopped resisting her feeling towards her twin and kissed him passionately. She was tired of denying her feelings towards her twin. She knew that it was common between the royals in this era. She would love him regardless of what others may feel about their relationship, and if anyone objects to this, she has no problem with taking care of them. After all, even if she denies it, Anastacius has been one of her favourite characters in the story, and she'll be damned if she lets others screw this up for her.

Slowly they were in their own little world. The feel of each others lips was something they could never get enough of. Anastacius slowly moved one of his hands lower, caressing her right breast, making her moan in response. He chuckled. "So sensitive." He purred before kissing her once more. He slowly took his hand off her breast and moved it down and inserted two fingers in her. Athena's eyes widened and gasped in pleasure during their kiss. Anastacius wasted no time in moving his fingers up and down in a thrusting motion.

At each thrust of his fingers, Athena moaned in his mouth. He then added his thumb, slowly rubbing the top of her vagina in that sensitive spot. He started kissing down her neck, allowing her to moan loudly. Athena noticed how he would speed up his movements and slow down. She realized he was teasing her. That damn sadist was torturing her! She tried to buck her hips when he started going fast, but only for him to hold her in place with his other hand while chuckling amused. "Tsk tsk. Not so fast, love. I want you to beg for it." Athena whimpered in response as he intentionally slowed down the thrusting motion with his fingers. He then started to give attention to her plump breasts and slowly licked the tips. Alternating between licking and sucking,

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