𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚃𝚎𝚊 & 𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚝𝚞𝚜 𝙱****

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Theodore 22 years old

Alexander 19 years old

Anastacius 18 years old

Athena 18 years old

Claude 15 years old

Seven years have passed, and the palace staff and knights had gradually gotten used to the insanity that is the Obelian royal family. Some even wanted to resign during these years but with no luck. And those who managed to somehow leave were never seen again—what a coincidence.

Diamond Palace

"An do you know if Duke Judith's daughter is coming today to the royal gathering?" Athena said as she ate another grape.

Anastacius nodded before taking a sip from his tea. "Yes, father said she will come today. He intends on marrying her to Claude." Anastacius smirked. That should keep the pest occupied. Hmph. 

Athena hummed. "I see." She smirked. "Well, in that case, why don't I give her a warm special royal welcome. From one sister to another." She smiled sadistically.

Anastacius sweatdropped at the sadistic expression of his twin.

Athena looked at the butler near the door. "Louise while you are bringing tea for us during the royal gathering, please pour green tea for Lady Judith. The others will have Earl Grey Tea as usual."

The butler bowed. "As you wish your highness. Do you require anything else?"

Athena nodded. "Yes. Please make sure her teacup has a white lotus designed on it. Don't change the others only hers."

"Yes, your highness. Glory and blessings upon future stars of the Obelian Empire." The butler said before leaving the two royals in the room.

Anastacius understood what she was doing and chuckled amused. It seems he won't be bored today. He wondered what a scandal his beloved twin intends on making for the brunette Judith. What surprised him was her hatred of Lady Judith. He wasn't sure why but he could see the hidden hatred in her eyes when she spoke the Lady Judith's surname. He doubted it was because of the pest being engaged to another.

Anastacius stood up and extended his hand to Athena. "Well, shall we go, Rosa?"

Athena looked at her twin and nodded. "Yes." She stood up and took his hand. "Are you sure you want to join me at the royal gathering? It's mostly going to be just the noble ladies."

Anastacius hummed and snaked his arm around her waist to her surprise. "Of course. It would be such a shame if I missed today's spectacle. Don't you think, my dear?" He said with an amused smile.

Athena chuckled. "That is true. I doubt anyone will forget today's special event."

"Father informed me that you have become friends with Lady McMillan through letters recently. Will she be coming today?"

"Yes. She will be there. I have to discuss some matters with her regarding our empires. I'm surprised how easily we became friends with only letters." She tilted her head to the side. "It's quite interesting."

Anastacius glanced at his twin. "Why don't you talk to the King instead? He is a higher authority than a duchess after all."

"Duke Wyknight has more power than his older brother. Furthermore, he is much more cunning and dangerous than him. So, if you want to make a deal between the empires, it's best to go with the sadistic cunning Duke instead. The easiest way to do that is by discussing it to the person he trusts the most."

Anastacius chuckled. "You are cunning my dear."

Athena smiled innocently. "Only the best for our empires. Lady McMillan is the same as her husband, so we must be careful with her and be cautious of what we speak around her. After all, behind every great man, there is a great woman."


At the Royal Gathering - Palace Gardens

"Presenting Her Imperial Highness, Crown Princess Ambrosia Athena de Alger Obelia and His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Anastacius de Alger Obelia." The herald shouted before motioning the guards to open the doors to the gardens. Everyone bowed at the presence of the twins.

Anastacius and Athena gracefully walked towards the nobles gathered in the gardens. "You may stand up."

The nobles went back to their conversations.

Athena took Anastacius' hand in hers and started walking towards Duchess McMillan. "It's a pleasure to meet you, your highnesses. My name is Penelope Judith." The brunette Judeth bowed before Anastacius and Athena who completely ignored her and headed straight towards Duchess McMillan.

"Duchess McMillan! It's been a long time!" Athena beamed at the brunette Duchess.

The brunette curtsied. "Blessings and glory upon future twin suns of the Obelian Empire. It's good to meet you, your highnesses. Please call me Raeliana. All my friends do." She smiled. "Right Noah?" she glanced behind her when she noticed a familiar figure stand next to her.

Athena chuckled when she noticed a certain Duke standing behind his wife. "Oh my, I wasn't expecting in seeing you today, Duke Wyknight. "

Noah smiled and bowed slightly. "Blessings and glory upon future twin suns of the Obelian Empire. It's a pleasure to meet you again, your highnesses. Like Raeliana said, please call me, Noah."

Athena smiled. "In that case, please call me Ambrosia. We are friends, after all." Athena nudged Anastacius slightly.

Anastacius' eye twitched at the smug look he was receiving from the ravenette Duke. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Duke Wyknight. Please call me, Prince Anastacius." He smirked.

Athena's eye twitched. "Apologies for his bad manners." She said. "You know Noah is fortunate to have you as his wife. Hmph. I need to find someone for my little brother too." She looked at everyone. "Now please, everyone sit. The servants shall bring tea."

The twins sat at the head of the table. Seeing that the nobles sat down on the seats. Noah and Raeliana were to the twin's right side while Penelope was seated on the second chair their left.

Athena glanced at the fuming brunette Judith who was glaring daggers at them and smirked. "Oh my. Who are you again? I've never seen you amongst the noble ladies during the royal gatherings. Are you perhaps a foreigner?"

Raeliana sweatdropped at the familiar smile that she so often witnessed many times with a certain someone. Before Penelope could retort, she was once again interrupted by Athena.

"Why don't you drink your green tea? I ordered it, especially for you. It must suit someone like you, Lady Penelope."

Penelope, unaware of the meaning, took the cup in her hands and smiled. "Thank you, your highness." She took a sip from her green tea and smiled.

The noble ladies hid their amused expression behind their fans. While Anastacius and Noah's lips twitched upwards.

Athena's smile widened. "You're welcome. After all, I heard from my right-hand man that your family's tea preference is green tea. Do you know why?" She tilted her head to the side.

Penelope shook her head. "Unfortunately not."

Athena hummed while smiling closed eyes. "No matter must be in the genes."

Raeliana sweatdropped again. Did she just call her entire family what I think she did? She gazed at that knowing smile on the twins' face, and it seemed she's right. She scratched her cheek nervously before taking a sip from her earl grey tea.

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