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A Few Days Later...

Athena looked everywhere but the person sitting on the luxurious sofa in front of her with a closed eye smile. Usually meeting people like this wouldn't make her nervous, but at this time, she was facing the former tyrant emperor who was obsessed with Lucas and is now sort of part of her twin. Apparently, while she was delirious she mumbled out the truth about Aeternitas and Anastacius, which prompted this 'meeting'. She never did find out if Anastacius was his reincarnation or simply someone from the royal family he could possess due to similar magic. After all, there were still ongoing updates last time she read the story.

Speaking of that narcissist wizard, maybe this dirtbag was in love with him or something of the kind. After all, a yandere villain is quite common in the novels. She rubbed her chin thoughtfully, forgetting she was in front of the said dirtbag. Although, this novel has yandere protagonists as well, to her displeasure. She sweatdropped. Why couldn't the protagonists be ordinary? Athena furrowed her brows. Then again, normal protagonists are pretty dull. Furthermore, they don't have the thrill nor the background to keep the reader interested like the villains. Who are usually hot. Her twin and father being the prime example of that fact. She nodded thoughtfully. Now...yandere protagonists on the other hand....hm...Then again, maybe staying with two psychopaths, a narcissist wizard and a lunatic changes a person's views, especially if they're around them 24/7. What happened to my precious sanity.....

Unknown to Athena, the Crown Prince watched her with amusement as her face went through different expressions in a span of seconds. Athena was brought out of her thoughts when she heard someone clearing their throat. She glanced at the culprit and smiled nervously. I forgot he was here.

The Prince's eyebrow twitched as if he knew what she was thinking.

"How can I help you today?" Her smiled twitched slightly.

The blonde in front of her smirked and opened his eyes. A glint of mischief and amusement was clear in his jewel blue eyes. "So, Ambrosia."

Athena flinched. Yep, this is not An. It's that dirtbag.

Aeternitas crossed his legs and looked at Athena. "How do you know about me?" He said while smiling.

Athena scratched her cheek and cleared her throat. "Well, I can't tell you."

Aeternitas' smile twitched. "Oh? Is that so."

"Yes. It's not that I can't tell you rather it would have unforeseen consequences if I tell you." She said quickly when she noticed his annoyance.

Aeternitas hummed and tapped his index finger on his chin. He leant back on the sofa and stared at the blonde Crown Princess.

"Let's just say that I know certain things that may or may not be about the future...sometimes. The future would change horribly if anyone knew how I knew this information." Athena said.

Aeternitas hummed. "Interesting." He leaned in and looked at Athena with a calculating gaze that would seem blank to anyone unfamiliar with the prince.

Athena sweatdropped. Somehow this scene seems awfully familiar like a Deja Vu.

Aeternitas smirked. "Very well. I'll leave it be."

Athena sighed in relief.

"For now."

I should've known. She deadpanned mentally.

The former Emperor stood up and walked towards Athena before standing in front of her. Athena looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. Before she knew what happened, Anastacius or rather Aeternitas was caging her with his arms while kissing her passionately. Her eyes widened.

After a few minutes, Aeternitas pulled back and smirked flirtatiously at the shocked princess. He caressed her cheek gently and kissed her cheek. "Hm~my beloved empress, you shall rule next to me once I am the Emperor once more. Until then, enjoy your time with Anastacius." He smirked wickedly. "Then again, in the end, we are both one and the same." He said before leaving the room.

Athena blinked dumbly before her jaw dropped. Don't tell me this lunatic is in love with me too! She gaped in disbelief. "DAMN IT!" For Fucks sake why was I reborn in this stupid novel with psychotic hot tyrannical Emperors! I'll sue you for this crap, stupid author! She fumed.

"Blessings and glory upon the future moon of Obelian Empire. Your highness, Lady Penelope Judith, is here." A maid called out.

Ugh. Athena groaned. How could I forget the Green tea bitch. She facepalmed.

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