Chapter 13

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Akari (POV)
We are walk down the metal corridors in silence until we come to a four way.
Sasuke- Karin, which way? Tell us.
Karin- Hey Sasuke, stop bossing us around.
Suigetsu- Just calm down and figure it out would ya? If you're so proud of your abilities, then use it.
Karin- (points to the right) It's that way.
We walk in the direction she pointed with Suigetsu in the front. Karin stops us at the next set of halls and let's Suigetsu keep walking off.
Sasuke- What's wrong?
Karin- (points left) It's actually this way. Now come on.
Akari- Tch. You made Suigetsu go the wrong way.
Karin- Suigetsu has a big mouth and I don't like him. Now come on.
With a little more walking, we reach Jugo's room.

With a little more walking, we reach Jugo's room

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Akari- This it?
Karin- Yeah. Jugo is in this cell.
Karin gets the key and begins to unlock the door.
Karin- Okay. I'm going to open it.
Sasuke- No, Akari and I are going in first. Now, just stay behind us and Nakano.
Karin- Right.
Sasuke slowly opens up the door and the light hits Jugo's face.
Jugo- Bingo you're dead!!
Jugo rushes us at full speed.
I jump back and out of the way as Jugo barrels through the door and smashes Sasuke into the opposite wall. I get into the action as I go to strike Jugo. He turns his head and gives me sick smile.

His right arm morphs and he hits me in the side making crash into the same wall as Sasuke

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His right arm morphs and he hits me in the side making crash into the same wall as Sasuke. She goes for another punch but I block by creating a second state wing at the last second. Sasuke does the same.
Jugo- Ahaha! So you're just copies of me! Still it's pretty impressive you can pull off partial transformations like that.
Jugo backs away from us to create space.
Jugo- You two are very skilled at using the curse mark.
We get out of our craters and eye Jugo.
Sasuke- We're not here to fight you. The only reason why were here is to talk to you Jugo.
Jugo- To talk?
My wing begins to recede to show him we're not threats.
Akari- That's right. We came to take you out of here.
Jugo- You're going to get me out of here?
He busts out into hysterical laughter.
Jugo- Are you out of your mind? He's gone. Without him here with me, I can never leave this place. Do you understand me?
Akari- Clearly you don't understand us. We're getting you out of here and that's it. Come with us.
Jugo- Can't you see I can't leave here. Never again!
He rushes us again and we simply use his back as a springboard to dodge. Like a bull, he gives chase. He throws a punch again and I simply push it to the side and let it take out a wall. More walls crumble as he tries to hit us. The ceiling caves in and we escape upwards to an upper level
Jugo- I'm not letting you escape!
He chases after us while destroying everything in his site.
Akari- Jesus Christ dude! Remind me to never take you anywhere expensive! All you do is break shit!
Jugo- Why you!
I look over my shoulder to see another punch coming our way. Before it hits me, Suigetsu and Nakano get in the way and deter it.
Jugo- Who are you?
Nakano- You mean to tell me, you don't remember this face?
Suigetsu- You're using a different technique than before Jugo. Not too bad. I like it.
Akari- Stop both of you.
Jugo- Oh I remember now. Suigetsu, we fought before. Nakano, we had an epic encounter that we have yet to finish.
Suigetsu- You know this guy really is dangerous Sasuke, Akari.
Jugo- Sasuke? Akari?
Sasuke- We didn't come here to fight you two. Just let us talk to him.
Nakano- I seriously doubt anything you say to him is going to get through his thick skull. The only thing he knows is force!
Jugo's arm turns into an axe and Suigetsu and Nakano engage. Suigetsu's sword clashes with Jugo's axe. Jugo is left open and Nakano bicycle kicks Jugo in the side of his face.
He staggers up against a wall and Nakano lays into him with shots to the face and body.
Akari- Stop it Nakano.
Jugo pushes her off but Suigetsu is right back in as he slices Jugo. Nakano then grabs Jugo's face and slams it into the wall, breaking some of it in the process
Like this

 Nakano then grabs Jugo's face and slams it into the wall, breaking some of it in the process Like this

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Jugo retaliates by kicking her off. All three are about to strike one another before I had enough and interfere. Before they could strike each other, I had my snakes wraps around each one of their necks, ready to snap them on my command. I give all a menacing glare and make all of them stare into my eyes.

 I give all a menacing glare and make all of them stare into my eyes

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Akari- Perhaps you didn't hear me the first time. Perhaps you take my easygoingness for granted. Listen all listen well. I may look calm and cool but within this past minute and a half of you fighting, I've killed all of you twenty different times in five seconds, in ten different ways. That being said, I'm going to give you three one more chance to stop and get your fucking shit together. When I let you three go, you are going to lower your fists and weapons, and separate from each other. IS THAT CLEAR?!
Nothing but silence.
Akari- Good. Glad we came to this understanding.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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