Chapter 23

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Itsuki (POV)
My team and I reach the point where that explosion took place. Everyone else on this mission is already here.
Naruto- So guys what happened?
Sakura- There was evidence Sasuke and Akari were here till just before we arrived.
Kiba- It's faint but their scent is definitely here. Also, I can detect several other scents too.
Itsuki- You're saying?
Shino- By the look of this crater, a battle was fought.
Dog 1- As I suspected. One of the scents I detected is identical to the one in the city. Sasuke and Akari aren't traveling by themselves now. They have four companions with them as well. Must be accomplices.
Sakura- Then in the town........
Kakashi- Yes. Sasuke and Akari have formed a team. Also, I know one of the scents that are here belongs to Deidara, a member of the Akatsuki.
Sakura- Wasn't he the guy who self destructed and got sent to another dimension by your jutsu?
Kakashi- I thought so but it would seem he faked his own death to escape. Now Akatsuki normally operate in two men teams with the exception of the time when we fought Fudo, Hidan, and Kakuzu.
Naruto- I don't care. Let's get moving and track down Sasuke's scent.
Pankun- Sorry but I'm afraid we can't do that.
Naruto- Why not?
Reo- I guessing the trail goes cold here.
Kakashi- Yeah unfortunately.
Naruto- What does that mean?
Yamato- It means Sasuke and Akari were completely obliterated by the explosion or they used the transportation technique to escape.
Kiba- I think it's the latter. I've found their scent by making my nose even keener than a dog.
Itsuki- Then by all means, lead the way Kiba.
Elsewhere in the village hidden in the rain
Pain (POV)
I'm sitter on the edge of the skyscraper overlooking the city when I sense Konan approaching.

Elsewhere in the village hidden in the rainPain (POV)I'm sitter on the edge of the skyscraper overlooking the city when I sense Konan approaching

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Konan- Come in Pain, it's time. He's arrived.
I get up and head inside with Konan and we see HIM.
Pain- Well, how is Sasuke and Akari?
HIM- Coming along nicely. Sasuke's Sharingan is at full power. His eyes will surpass even Itachi's. Yet it's still not like Itsuki's eyes. His eyes and abilities are something else. Reminds me of a lot like myself back in the day.
Pain- Speaking of the Jinchūriki, what of them?
HIM- You will hunt them. And as co-leader, I will not tolerate failure. Kyoko may have put up with you guys but enough is enough.
Meanwhile in a small town inside forest
Nakano (POV)
We're currently staying in a small hotel room. Jugo is bandaging up Sasuke and I just got done with Akari.

 Jugo is bandaging up Sasuke and I just got done with Akari

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Karin- Hmph. You said you would take down Itachi but in this condition, you can barely move. And just look at Akari. Take down Kyoko? In her dreams probably.
Suigetsu- Look Karin, we've been going nonstop lately. We need the rest.
Karin- Give me a break! That's all you've done is rest, you punk!
Sasuke- That's enough! Karin, Suigetsu, have collected data on Itachi and Kyoko like I asked you to?
Karin- You're not in any shape to boss the rest of us around you know.
Suigetsu- Well I picked up some intel about the Akatsuki here and there. Nothing specific about those two I'm afraid.
Karin- I've got nothing.
Nakano- They're targeting specific people. People who have very special chakra.
Jugo- I've been conversing with the animals and I've pinpointed a few Akatsuki hideouts. It seems that they sense powerful unpleasant chakra coming from those places.
Suigetsu- Wow, even lowly animals have to ability to sense chakra. Or maybe it's because they are so lowly, just like you Karin.
This sets Karin off and she starts attacking Suigetsu. Jugo begins to twitch and I sense his bloodlust rise. This sets off my bloodlust and my curse mark begins unravel same as Jugo.
Jugo- I want to kill. I must kill.
Nakano- If you want to kill so badly, why not try killing me? I'm up for the challenge.
Karin- Oh no. Jugo and Nakano's impulses have kicked in.
Karin tries to restrain me while Suigetsu does the same for Jugo.
Karin- Sasuke do something!
Before Sasuke could do something, the room is filled with nothing but multi headed snakes all with fangs bared.

Karin- Sasuke do something!Before Sasuke could do something, the room is filled with nothing but multi headed snakes all with fangs bared

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The eerie and chilling feeling of death fills up the room

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The eerie and chilling feeling of death fills up the room. I slowly look to my right to see Akari still in her bed. Her hair is covering her face but I could see her eyes through a few strands of hair

 Her hair is covering her face but I could see her eyes through a few strands of hair

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Jugo and everyone else sees this too. Jugo immediately starts to calm down. I lose all the will to do anything and fall on my ass and back up to the farthest corner away from her. I blink once and everything is back to normal and Akari is sound asleep.
Nakano *mind*- Oh my fucking god. I have never EVER been so petrified of something in my life. She was gonna kill us all and she wouldn't have been broken a sweat. If she can do that now, imagine what she can do when she's fully recovered and fully rested. Even before her fight with that Akatsuki, I could tell she was tired and not at 100 percent. Yet she and Sasuke still took the Akatsuki down. Akari is one scary lady and I feel kinda bad for the Kyoko person. Akari is going to go all out plus some against you. You better be ready.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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