Chapter 21

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Deidara (POV)
I swing back on Akari but she ducks and follows up with something I didn't see coming so soon. Her hand has entered my right side of my abdomen.
Akari (second state)- Over so soon? What a pity.
She dislodges her hand and I immediately grab at the wound and try to stop the blood loss. I cough up blood from my mouth and it splatters on Akari's face and wings. I may have left a little surprise for her within that blood mixed with my saliva. A smile spreads across my face as she wipes off my dna in disgust. She then narrows her eyes and her hand wraps around my throat before I can even do a thing.
Akari (second state)- You're like cockroach. Always refusing to die.
Deidara- Yeah.....and this cockroach still has a few tricks up his sleeve!
My bird dives to the ground and Akari losses her grip and falls off my creature. I take off to higher in the sky and try to create as much distance between myself and Akari as possible. I see that Akari recovers in midair by spreading her wings and flying towards me. I do a hand signal and watch as my clay begin to expose itself on her body like wet cement. Her eyes get wide and she tries flying faster to me but it's too late.
Deidara- Hah!

The smoke cloud settles and Akari Yashagorō is no more

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The smoke cloud settles and Akari Yashagorō is no more.
Deidara- Hahaha. I've won! I've won! My art has won this fight!
As if on que, I feel another set of eyes on my me and I turn my head to see Sasuke Uchiha.

 I've won! I've won! My art has won this fight! As if on que, I feel another set of eyes on my me and I turn my head to see Sasuke Uchiha

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His Chidori pierces through upper back and comes out through the right part of my chest.
Sasuke (second state)- It seems you've exhausted all of your chakra. And now you're too slow to react.
Deidara- Those eyes....
Sasuke (second state)- Your explosives may be too small for the eye can see but my Sharingan sees chakra as colors. Your mini bombs infused with chakra were clearly visible to me as a large cloud of smoke. I also saw that you took great care to hovering just outside the range of the nano bombs. Since I could see the explosives, escape was easy. Even Akari knew, and she doesn't even have Sharingan.
Deidara- But I saw you die from my C4 with my very own eyes.
Sasuke (second state)- That was my genjutsu.
Deidara- Of course......So that's what it was.
Sasuke (second state)- I've avoided hitting your vital organs. Now, tell me where Itachi and Kyoko are.
Deidara- I said, I gotta remember to thank Itachi.
The real me emerges from the bird as the other me turns into hard clay.
Sasuke (second state)- A clone. I should've known.
Deidara- I anticipated your genjutsu. You're just like Itachi and I never fall for the same trick twice. Hmph! Now it's over! How about a direct C4 attack?! Hmm!
I spit out another smaller version of the C4 Karura and Sasuke gets enveloped in it.
Deidara- Now who's the one running out of chakra huh? Bet you don't have enough to free yourself!
I thrust myself off my creation.
Deidara- The inside of this model is just like the other one. Full of invisible C4 bombs. Hmph.
I reach into my pouch to make another bird but I don't have enough clay and I used up all my chakra with that last attack. I'm going to start freefalling any second now. I watch as Sasuke bursts from my attack and flies directly at me with Chidori in hand.
Deidara- What'll do now huh? That lightning blade attack won't reach me at this distance. I'm well out of your range. It's over. Sayonara Sasuke! Hah!
A smile spreads across my face as I activate my attack to finally kill Sasuke but suddenly
A Rasengan drills into my chest from above. The one dealing the attack is none other than a burned and very pissed off Akari.
Akari (POV)
We're both careening to the solid earth below but my Rasengan is drilling into Deidara's chest. With my other free hand, I plunge it into the wound I made before and yank at his intestines. His eyes get even wider and his screams of pain echo throughout the area until we both crash into the ground causing another explosion.

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