Chapter 47

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Itsuki (POV)
I follow Elder Lion Walter for quite sometime until we reach a cave.
Walter- In here.
I continue to follow him inside and my eyes gaze upon a spring of sort.

Walter- You see this? This is the sacred springs of the Tsubasa Raion Mountains

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Walter- You see this? This is the sacred springs of the Tsubasa Raion Mountains. This spring is very special indeed.
Itsuki- What's special about it?
Walter- The water. The water has the properties of attracting Animalia energy. This stuff will help advance your training.
Itsuki- Interesting indeed.
Walter- Wherever part of the body the water touches, Animalia energy will be able to enter through that spot. Gradually as you learn to feel it, you will gain the ability to sense Animalia energy. Since you're just beginning, this is just a tool to help you grasp the concept. In time you won't need the waters at all to sense Animalia energy. However, there is a risk. If a neophyte who cannot control Animalia energy uses it, they start transforming into a mutated hybrid of sorts that will be put down immediately. It's all about balance. You're used to turning your mental and physical energy into ninjutsu chakra so you've already got a balance when it comes to that. But now you must add Animalia energy into the mix and finding that balance is extremely difficult.
Itsuki- Balance you say?
Walter- You take in too little and you won't get Leo Maharishi chakra and yet if you take in too much, Animalia energy will overwhelm you and turn you into a horrible creature. Of course if you take in a little too much, the transformation is reversible but get beyond a certain amount of it and you'll never revert back to human again. You'll be trapped as a horrible creature and you will be put down without hesitation. But don't fret too much. I'll be right by your side and I'll beat the the Animalia energy out of you with a good smack. If I see you start to transform, I just beat you thoroughly to reverse the process.
He smiles after that last sentence as I frown.
Itsuki- A little too happy are we?
Walter- Just a little. But to be honest, even Gin wasn't quite completely able to master this ability. But I doubt you'd hesitate after coming this far but I still gotta ask. What will you do?
Itsuki-.......I'll do it. No question about it. If it brings me closer to avenging Gin and beating Pain's ass, I'll do it.
Meanwhile in the Hidden Rain Village
Kyoko (POV)
I'm in a meeting with Obito, Pain, and Konan.
Obito- Six tails is finally ours.
Pain- Now we can go on the hunt for the nine and seventeen tails.
Obito- Yes that's a good idea.
Kyoko- I mean, you've might as well. You just painted a bigger target on your back an I. You killed Jiriaya and Gin so the Leaf has their crosshairs on you. Naruto and more specifically Itsuki will come for you for vengeance.
Obito- But the more time passes, the more time for them to have a plan set in motion. We should take action before it becomes more difficult.
Konan- Pain is invincible. No matter what happens or what they got planned, they will capture both Nine Tails and Seventeen Tails.
Kyoko- You may think that but you don't know Itsuki like I do. You're going to really need to break his spirit if you want to beat him.
Obito- Once you do, we'll have acquired all the Tailed Beasts.
Konan- Really? What about Eight Tails?
Kyoko- Sasuke and Akari already captured the Eight Tails.
Konan- I see.
Pain rises from his seat and the other five Pains come out of the shadows.
Pain- Konan, make all the preparations. We leave now for the Hidden Leaf Village.
Kyoko- Hmph. Try not to kill my brother. I want him here alive Pain.
He narrows his eyes at me and I activate my Mangekyo Sharingan to show I'm not intimidated. Obito silently watches on.
Pain-..........I'll do what I must. And I'll get the job done cause unlike you, I won't be almost killed by a child.
I get up abruptly knocking down my chair down in the process. The other five Pains eye me down but I don't back down in the slightest. We stare down one another in silence. The tension is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.
Obito-.......Easy there Kyoko. Now isn't the time or place for an all out battle between the two of you.
Pain- Then I'll take my leave.
All of them turn their backs to me and begin to head out.
Kyoko- ......Try all you might but you won't be the one to get him. And when he does kill you, I won't shed a damn tear for you, bitch.
Itsuki (POV)
I stripped down to my boxers and say down on a rock in the middle of the springs with my eyes closed. Walter was right with me splashing water on me. Trying to focus on the Animalia energy, I could feel myself begin to mutate. Next thing I feel is a smack across my head and I open my eyes and grab my head in pain.
Itsuki- I swear to god I'm going to have a knot on my head by the end of this.
Walter- Quitting already?
Itsuki- No but I think I have a method that can help me.
Walter- And that is?
Itsuki- I remember I used Shadow Clones to help me learn Crimson Phoenix Chidori. Maybe the same method can help me learn this.
Walter- You do have a point. All the experiences that the Shadow Clones have would revert back to the original. But remember, if even one of the shadow clones completely changes, it's all over for Itsuki boy.
Itsuki- I know. I got this.
Walter- Four is your limit. Anymore and I won't be able to keep up.
I make four shadow clones and begin. Immediately we're all smacked one by one over and over again.
Walter- This isn't a game of whack-a-mole! You supposed to be training! I don't know how much longer I can keep this up.
Itsuki- Goddamn this hurts! Didn't think it'd be this difficult.
Walter- Only through perseverance shall true strength be gained.
Itsuki- Don't gotta tell me that. If it'll make me as strong or even stronger than Gin, I'll put up with whatever I have to.
Walter- You're wrong. Leo Maharishi Jutsu is not meant for everybody. Not by a long shot. There's a reason why so few of us are able to do it. However, one key to learning this to have the inner strength to never give up.
Itsuki- Now that I can do! Let's keep going!
Meanwhile observing Itsuki from a distance
Indigo (POV)
Indigo- Hmph. That's Itsuki for ya. Always willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. I'll speak to you soon dude. Very soon indeed.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace. Now where in the hell is this fly that keeps buzzing around in my room.

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