Chapter 45

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Itsuki (POV)
In the coming days, four major things started with ties to Jiriaya and Gin's mission. Tsunade moved in to watch over me, there's a code on Lord Fukasaku, the interrogation of a Hidden Rain ninja, and the autopsy of one of the Pains Gin and and Jiriaya were able to take down. However on this day in particular, the code was deciphered and it read "the real one's not among them". Now I'm here in Tsunade's office with Shikamaru, Naruto, Kakashi, Kaito, Reo, Lord Fukasaku, and Elder Lion Walter.
Fukasaku- The real one's not among them. Hmm.
Naruto- Geezer Sage what do you think? Does it make sense to you?
Fukasaku- I'm not sure. It's still all to clear to me. What about you Walter?
Walter- I've got nothing.
Shikamaru- But you do have some hypotheses right?
Fukasaku- I've already told you everything I know about Pain. He seems to be able to come back from the dead. So I hesitate to give you mere conjectures. Under these conditions it's still mighty dangerous to take him on. More dangerous than taking on Kyoko Uchiha I'd wager. We must first uncover his secrets.
Kakashi- How are the other investigations going? The autopsy and the interrogation?
Sakura- It looks like it'll take a little bit longer.
Naruto- Like how much longer?
Sakura- I can't really say. I bet they don't even know.
Naruto- What? What do you mean?! I bet they're goofing around and we're loosing time!
Sakura- Interrogation aside, an autopsy requires detailed cell and tissue analysis and enzyme extraction. All which have to be extra detailed. Doing that takes time.
Tsunade- It'll be about a week at the soonest before it's all done.
Naruto- That long?
Kaito- So what do we do in the meantime Lady Tsunade?
Tsunade- Shizune is heading up the autopsy so it should be quicker than usual but we'll still just have to wait.
Naruto- No. I'll make them speed up.
He heads to the door
Sakura- Naruto, if you get in Shizune's way, you are so going to get it.
Naruto-.....I will avenge Pervy Sage. I can't just sit around doing nothing. Back me up Itsuki. You haven't said anything to anyone since that day. Clearly you have to feel the same as I. Don't you want to avenge Gin?
I look Naruto in his eyes and pull off a creepy death glare.
Like this

Itsuki- Don't take my lack of erratic behavior as a lack of anger and grief

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Itsuki- Don't take my lack of erratic behavior as a lack of anger and grief. Of course I want to avenge Gin. I had a family again and Pain took that away from me. Because of him, that's twice in one lifetime that I've been stripped of having a family. I of all people have the right to want to beat the ever living shit out of Pain until he's a dead bloody sack of flesh and broken bones beneath me. But I'm not stupid. If I were to go one on one with him right now, even with the Mangekyo Sharingan, I'd die. Gin and Jiriaya were both Sannin and they fell in battle. What makes you think you or I have a chance? Face it Naruto. We're nowhere near strong enough yet and you know it.
Walter- And that's were Fukasaku and I come in. You see, being summoned here has proven to be quite opportune. For a long time, we've been meaning to come and speak with the two of you.
Fukasaku- Naruto boy, do you want to come and train in Sage Jutsu under my guidance?
Naruto- Train in Sage Jutsu?
Walter- For you Itsuki, at the request of Gin, my wife and I are to train you in the ways of the Sacred Lion Arts.
Itsuki- Sacred Lion Arts you say?
Naruto- Are Sage Jutsu and Sacred Lion Arts really that awesome?
Reo- Yes. Very much so being as Jiriaya and Gin were only ones capable of using it in this village.
Tsunade- And remember, Pain defeated Jiriaya and Gin who summoned Lord Fukasaku, Lady Shima, Elder Lion Walter and Elder Lion Rosalie. That means there's not one person from the Hidden Leaf Village who could possibly defeat Pain.
Fukasaku- Trust me when I say we're as furious as you boys are. We as well want to avenge the deaths of our students. I believe the only ones who can do that are you Naruto Uzumaki and you Itsuki Uchiha.
Walter- You do want to avenge your brother's death don't you?
Itsuki- More than anything in this world.
Walter- Then you'll come along with me now and I'll teach the ways in the Sacred Lion Arts in the peaks of the Tsubasa Raion Mountains. The same way I beat those lessons into Gin, the same I'll do to you.
Itsuki- Will learning these Sacred Arts make me win and stop Pain?
Walter- There is no guarantee. It all depends on you. Are you alright with this Lady Tsunade?
Tsunade- Of course. Itsuki, I want you to go with him. Learn and train harder than you ever have.
Walter- Fair warning. Training for these Sacred Arts of my kind are more rigorous than any other training you've had previous. Are you ready for this?
Itsuki- I am Gin's little brother. If he was able to do it, then so can I. I will learn the Sacred Arts, avenge his death, and surpass him like he always wanted.
Walter- Surpass him huh? You may just do that for I see his will of fire burning bright inside of you. Now then, come along.
Walter and I are at the village gate with Tsunade, Kaito, and Shikamaru seeing us off.
Walter- We should be heading off now. Say your goodbyes Itsuki my boy.
Itsuki- I guess this is it for now you guys. I'll catch y'all later.
Kaito- Good luck bro. I'll be awaiting your return.
Tsunade steps forward and wraps me in a hug.
Tsunade- Follow his teachings, learn as much as you can, and come home safe.
She kisses me on the forehead and lets me go.
Itsuki- Thanks Tsunade. I'll you when I get back. So Elder Lion Walter, which way is the Tsubasa Raion Mountains?
Walter- Well it takes a month to get there on foot. But you already signed a binding contract with the lions so everything is alright.
He pulls out the scroll I put my bloody handprint on all those years back.
Walter- Now then.
He taps the scroll and I'm poofed away to a place way unfamiliar to me.

 He taps the scroll and I'm poofed away to a place way unfamiliar to me

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Itsuki- Holy shit. This view.....
Walter- Quite fascinating isn't it. Welcome to the world of the Winged Lions.
Winged lions fly about in the sky and walk amongst the vast forest.
Walter- Come along. My home isn't to far from here. Once there, we'll eat and then we'll begin your training.
Itsuki- Sounds fine by me.
Itsuki *mind*- I can't help but feel a bit pumped.  I wish all of this were under better circumstances but unfortunately it isn't. I avenge you big bro and make you proud.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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