Chapter 28

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Gin (POV)
We leave the ninja where he is and exit. Jiriaya went to do something with some scroll of his while I summon a familiar winged lion of mine.

 Jiriaya went to do something with some scroll of his while I summon a familiar winged lion of mine

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Lion- Long time no see Gin.
Gin- Hey what's up man.
I pull a scroll out of his mane and unravel it on the floor.
Lion- This about Itsuki's training?
Gin- Not this time my friend. I'm going to removing this scroll and you from me.
Lion- Removing the scroll? This isn't like you. What's going on exactly?
Gin- I'm about to go into what is possibly going to be my hardest fight in my life. Chances of death are high.
Lion- This opponent must really be something if you have to remove the scroll and myself.
Gin- I'm taking precautionary measures. I'm even about to release the Lion Style Seal
Lion- Jesus, you think you can still pull that off? You haven't done that in years.
Gin- Well I guess it's time to shake off the old rust. You know what I mean? (Undoes the seal)
Lion- Yeah I hear ya. So when do you plan on coming back?
Gin- It won't take all that long. I have Jiriaya with me after all. But, if the worse case scenario does happen to come in which I pass away, go store yourself within Itsuki.
Lion- You can't be serious Gin. I like the kid. I really do, but that brother and sister is too much. You're literally putting the key to the gate right next to said gate. That seal is weakening at an alarming rate and you know it. This type of move is unheard of.
Gin- Yes I know that. Watching over that seal was entrusted to me but my little brother isn't a fool. I trust him.
Lion- But don't you think it's too soon? Don't you remember what happened last time we loosened the seal?
My thoughts go back in the first time seven out of seventeen tails came forth from Itsuki.
Gin- No I haven't but this jutsu was always meant for Itsuki to complete himself one day.
Lion- THAT jutsu? Are you serious?
Gin- Hella serious.
Lion- You really think that Itsuki requires such jutsu? He would never be able to control their chakra. They're too powerful and their chakra pushed Itsuki's own chakra out of the way. It leaked out and took over the poor boy. If the seal is undone any further and Seventeen Tails completely takes over Itsuki, it would be the end of the shinobi world as we know it.
Gin- But you know just as I know, there really isn't much of an option here. Something is coming. Something bigger than the Akatsuki. Jiriaya and suspect that the Nine Tails attack wasn't just some natural disaster. We think Nine Tails was manually summoned. I think that person his the mystery Uchiha hidden amongst the Akatsuki ranks.
Lion- And who might that be?
Gin- The one of the only ones capable of doing so. One of the Uchiha founders, Madara Uchiha.
Lion- Are you sure you're not skill crack? Madara lived back in early days of the Hidden Leaf. No way he was alive fifteen to sixteen years ago.
Gin- Yes that is true but it could also be her. The Forsaken One.
Lion- You know just as well as I do, she was banished a long time ago. The Hidden Leaf exiled her despite Madara's pleas. She died in the desert somewhere and her name was expunged from the history books and Uchiha records. The First Hokage then went on to defeat Madara once and for all in the Final Valley. Your theory is pointless.
Gin- Whatever you say, but I just can't shake thar feeling. The feeling of unease. The feeling that perhaps something bigger is going on than just the Akatsuki.
We exit the the toad disguised as the ninjas we captured. We then make our way to western park of the city. That is until we surrounded and encased by paper. Little does the enemy know that they're clones. The upper half of a blue haired lady in Akatsuki clothing manifests.

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