Chapter 41

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Akari (POV)
Suigetsu- Let's do this and shut up this witless pain in the ear.
Sasuke- That is the plan.
Killer Bee- Check it, I'm not witless yo. I got super rhymes and charm and flow, fool.
Karin- What a joke. And not to mention he has zero rapping talent!
Killer Bee- Hold up fool, no need to be cruel.
Sasuke and I rush in. Sasuke draws his sword and leaps into the air. Killer Bee picks up Suigetsu's sword and swings. Sasuke and Bee clash but Sasuke is the one that gets sent back. I fly past him with a kunai in hand. Bee rapid spins with the sword in hand and I block his strike with my kunai. The impact causes me to skid but I keep on my feet. With his focus on me, Sasuke comes from above and jams his sword in the hole of of Suigetsu's sword. With Bee exposed, I hop over Sasuke and deliver a tornado roundhouse kick right to Bee's jaw. It doesn't seem to phase him as he doesn't move an inch. He releases Suigetsu's sword and pulls out a small notepad and pencil. He proceeds to start jotting stuff down and mumbling to himself. Confused, I back off and return to Sasuke's side.
Akari *mind*- Is he seriously writing in the middle of a fight?
Killer Bee- Feelin mighty fine. Just wrote the hottest rhyme. Thank ya. Now I'll play with you tools, ya teensy weeny baby fools.
He takes ours his notepad away and tosses like eight swords of his in the air.
Suigetsu- Watch out Sasuke! Akari! This guy is clearly used to handling blades! He's no ordinary ninja!

Suigetsu- Watch out Sasuke! Akari! This guy is clearly used to handling blades! He's no ordinary ninja!

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Killer Bee- Quickly take a look cause now I'll give ya a taste of my hook.
Karin- What?
Suigetsu- The hell? What kind of stance is that?
I pull out a second kunai and prepare for his attack. Bee leaps into the air, does a 630 flip and comes down on Sasuke and I. We're immediately put in the defensive as he attacks with his swords using his feet, hands, arms, neck, and pretty much any other place that can hold or use a sword in an offensive way. Sasuke and I get cut left and right as his speed and technique is another factor that's putting us on our asses.
Akari- Wind Style: Exploding Wind Bombs!
I shoot needle thin air missiles out of my mouth and the target is Bee. Bee makes a run for at as little explosions ring off as my missiles hit the ground around him.
Like this

Silence falls as the smoke covers the battlefield

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Silence falls as the smoke covers the battlefield. My eyes scan my surroundings looking for any hint of movement. Suddenly one of Bee's swords pierces through the veil of smoke coming my direction. I immediately duck only to see Bee about to hit me with a spiral drop kick from my right. It's too late to block and I get drilled in the side of my face. I tumble all to the the group's feet and Sasuke follows suit mere seconds after.
Nakano- You guys alright?
Suigetsu- What's with those moves of his? I can't predict his line of attack. Both Sasuke and I get up and eye down Bee. My mark on my neck starts to have a tingling feeling much to my confusion.
Akari *mind*- The heck? I thought it was sealed for good. Let's just hope it's nothing more than a late after effect.
Sasuke makes a Chidori and rushes Bee again. I make my hand signs and regurgitate a snake. As Sasuke grabs his sword and is about to make contact with Bee, my snake slithers behind Bee and opens up its mouth. A brand new me pops out and immediately create the Tornado Rasengan.
Akari *mind*- I have you now you talentless fuck.
Killer Bee comes into a sword lock with Sasuke's Chidori infused blade much to my surprise.
Akari *mind*- He blocked it? How?
I shake the thought off and rush Bee with the Rasengan.
Killer Bee- First I'm gonna float and fly like a butterfly.
I drive my Rasengan at Bee but he pushes Sasuke off and dodges me without even looking.
Akari- What?!
Killer Bee- And then I sting ya like a Killer Bee!
He delivers a eight piece sword strike combo on both Sasuke and I right on our chests. Blood spills out of my mouth and open chest would as I collapse on the ground next to Sasuke. Bee looks to finish us off but luckily Nakano and Suigetsu get in the way and block for us. Bee corses lightning through his sword and begins to cut through Suigetsu's sword. Sasuke sits up and uses Chidori on Suigetsu's blade to stop Bee. Jugo comes from behind and connects with a punch to the right side of Bee's face. Suigetsu twists his sword and snaps Bee's blade in two. Nakano's curse mark spreads to half of her body and she delivers a punch to Bee's midsection. Jugo and Nakano's arm morph to have thrusters of some sort on them. Together, they drive Bee into the ground with a mighty blow causing the ground to crater in.

 Together, they drive Bee into the ground with a mighty blow causing the ground to crater in

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Karin drags both Sasuke and I away from the battle. Once a safe distance away, she roles up her sleeves and expose both arms.
Karin- Here. Bite me. Hurry!
Sasuke and I take a solid bite on her arm and immediately I start to get heal and my wounds close up.
Akari- Thanks the heals Karin.
Sasuke- Yeah thanks for that.
Karin- Yeah sure.
Suigetsu- Sasuke, Akari. We all gotta take him on again. The fact of the matter is, this guy is incredibly strong. So we gotta go at him as if we are trying to kill him. That might be our best chance of taking him while he's still alive.
Akari *mind*- Hate to admit it but he's right. Gotta stop with the kunai and soft styled attacks. Gotta go at him as if was like anybody else of our previous battles.
Killer Bee- This battle is not over, gotta stop these foes. Check it out y'all!
All of us dash in with the same intentions. Beat the holy hell out of this guy. All five of us get to him and attack him. He does a good job avoiding and dodging us until he went for Suigetsu. He punches Suigetsu but his hand goes right through him.
Suigetsu- Sasuke now! Just hit the both of us!
Sasuke- Chidori!
Sasuke hit Chidori on both Bee and Suigetsu. Bee instantly goes down to a knee while Sasuke grabs Suigetsu and backs off. Nakano and Jugo come down from above with a two handed smash. Right behind them I'm in the air with a Tornado Rasenshuriken. Jugo and Nakano move out of the way I and I throw the Rasenshuriken. An explosion rings out immediately as it touched the ground.

I land on the ground next to Nakano and Jugo and eye the crater I just made

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I land on the ground next to Nakano and Jugo and eye the crater I just made. The smoke clears and we peak inside to see it empty.
Jugo- Where'd he go?
Sasuke- Karin!
Karin- On it!
She searches for his chakra signature.
Karin- (points to a mountain behind us) Over there!
Nakano and Jugo grab ahold of Sasuke and I and use thruster arms to throw us to Bee.
As we approach I see a familiar sight that brings me back to the that day at the Final Valley.

As we approach I see a familiar sight that brings me back to the that day at the Final Valley

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Akari *mind*- Tails. So many tails at once. Not good, not good, DEFINITELY NOT GOOD!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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