Chapter 22

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Itsuki (POV)
My team and I look on as the sky darkens and the only source of light is the pillar of light coming from ways away

Itsuki (POV)My team and I look on as the sky darkens and the only source of light is the pillar of light coming from ways away

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Kaito- What the heck is that?
Eliane- I've never seen anything that big before.
Azazel: That's what she said.
Indigo: I'm not even surprised at this point. I knew it was coming.
Reo- If I do recall, from the way this chakra looks and feels, it may be THAT Akatsuki member we ran into when we went to save Gaara.
Itsuki- Deidara?
Reo- Yeah. Question is, what or who was he fighting to set off that big of an explosion. We got to check it out. Let's go team.
Akatsuki hideout
Kyoko (POV)
Zetsu (spectral)- Deidara is dead. At least he went out with a bang.
Kisame- Oh dear. Looks like we lost yet another Akatsuki member. And I really thought he was one of the stronger ones. So who did him in then? Was it Sasuke and Akari? It was the Nine and Seventeen Tails Jinchūriki?
Zetsu (spectral)- It was Sasuke and Akari. However, it seems they have died as well.
Kisame- Deidara took them with him?
Pain (spectral)- You should feel grateful Itachi. He sacrificed his life to save you a lot of trouble. You too Kyoko.
Kisame- Hmmm it's funny. I feel like we've forgotten about something.
Zetsu (spectral)- It looks like Tobi is dead as well. Deidara had no regard for his partner.
Kisame- Ah yes Tobi. That's who I've forgotten. Must've been quite a jutsu Deidara did if that escape artist Tobi couldn't run from it.
Pain (spectral)- No matter. We can easily replace someone like Tobi but losing Deidara is unfortunate.
Kisame- Don't get me wrong, I liked Tobi. He lighten the mood of this rather gloomy organization. He was really quite talented if you think about it.
Pain (spectral) I must go. Let us try to mourn Deidara quietly. Have you anything to say Kyoko?
Kyoko (spectral)-............If you think Akari and Sasuke are dead, then you people are even bigger fools than I thought. They're alive. Deidara wasted his life for nothing. We're leaving Fudo. (With anger) I'm going to finally end this little rivalry between the girl and myself.
Nakano (POV)
I saw the explosion not too long ago and I immediately rushed back to that location. I met up with Suigetsu and he told me that the serpent on Manda's scroll disappeared and that there may be a chance that Akari and Sasuke ate still alive. We arrived at the spot and Suigetsu summoned Manda.

 We arrived at the spot and Suigetsu summoned Manda

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