Chapter 38

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Kyoko (POV)
The storm still rages on overhead as look over my unconscious rival. The sound of footsteps coming closer alerts me but I sense it's just Obito. He hands me an umbrella so I don't get even more soaked.
Obito- Some fight huh?
Obito- Silent treatment?
Kyoko- You robbed me of this. I had her dead to rights and stopped me from ending this years long rivalry. So before I knock you the fuck out, give me a good reason why I shouldn't?
Obito- We can use her and Sasuke.
Kyoko- How?
Obito- By telling them the truth. The truth about what happened that night and what led up to it. As you know, Danzo and the Konoha elders were to blame. As well as the Leaf Village itself. The result, they destroy the Leaf and subsequently get them out of the way or keep them as allies. Not bad eh? I know what I'm doing. Trust me on this.
Kyoko-........Damn you Obito. What's the condition of Itachi?
Obito-.......There's one less Uchiha in the world now.
Kyoko-.........His sickness became too much. Take me to him and put Akari in your alternate space.
Obito- Sure thing.
He sucks Akari put in his alternate space and he takes me to were Itachi and Sasuke did battle. Both were laid out but Sasuke was the only one who had a pulse. Itachi was already starting to lose color and his eyes were glazed and nonexistent of life. I crouch down and examine him closer and place my hand on his cold face.

I can't help but shed tears as he was one of my closest friends alongside Shisui

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I can't help but shed tears as he was one of my closest friends alongside Shisui.
Kyoko- Rest easy now my friend. You're free of your pain.
Obito- Not to ruin the moment or anything but we got to leave soon. The Leaf ninja are right on my heels. The Amaterasu flames surrounding part of the area isn't going to stop them. Zetsu....
Zetsu appears partially out of the ground.
Obito- Since you were watching, you better have recorded both battles.
Zetsu (black)- Relax, I recorded the whole thing. Every moment.
Obito- Good. I'll review it closely later. We're taking Itachi's corpse too. We should go now.
Obito sucks both Itachi and Sasuke up and we depart to the hideout in the east.
Meanwhile a few miles away
Itsuki (POV)
The darkness gives way to a gray rainy sky. I'm covered in debris and wood and the girl is no where to be seen.
???- There he is!
It was Kaito's voice. He arrives with the rest of my team and help me get out of the debris.
Reo- You alright? What happened?
Itsuki- Fought one of Akari's teammates. She was preventing me from getting to Akari. I actually saw Akari. How is she? Did we get her and Sasuke?
Eliane- The fight between your sister and Kyoko was a massive one. As well as Itachi against Sasuke. According to the Akatsuki with mask, Itachi is now deceased. Sasuke won but was in bad shape. Akari wasn't so fortunate I'm afraid.
Itsuki- She's dead?!!!!
Reo- Thankfully not but Kyoko did beat her. She and the masked Akatsuki picked up Sasuke and Akari as well as Itachi's body and fled. We tried chasing after them but it was too late. They're gone.
I look down in defeat.
Itsuki *mind*- Again? Fucking again?! I was so close! I was arms length away from her. Why? Why can't I finish the job? Why do I keep failing? I don't understand.
Reo- Come on Itsuki. It's time to go home.
Akari (POV)
I awake in some cave of some sort in a makeshift bed. The only light in this place was a candle. There's shuffling and I look to see Sasuke sitting up.
???- I tended to your wounds.
The voice came from the darkness that the light couldn't reach.
???- Sasuke you won. Akari, you almost killed Kyoko. Both of you sustained quite a bit of damage during the fights and not completely recovered yet. Try not to move unless it's necessary.
Out of the black comes the familiar face of the masked Akatsuki from our fight against Deidara.

Out of the black comes the familiar face of the masked Akatsuki from our fight against Deidara

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Masked Akatsuki- We've met once before. Although we were enemies then, don't worry. I don't hold Deidara's death against the two of you. I'm not your enemy and neither is she.
Kyoko comers out of the darkness behind him and my body immediately gets ready to fight.
MA- Calm down. We're not here to harm you. If we did, I would've let Kyoko kill you back there. I merely brought you and Sasuke here to tell you something.
I ease up a little and look away annoyed. Sasuke hardly reacts to his words.
MA- I see you're not really interested. Maybe if I put it another way you'll want to listen.
Kyoko- It's about me and Itachi.
I look at her in disgust but with a hint of intrigue.
Kyoko- Yeah you heard me right. I've told you time and time again that you don't know shit about me yet you continue to think you do. Neither you or Sasuke know nothing about Itachi and myself.
MA- Let's start things with a simple introduction. Along the likes of you Sasuke, Kyoko, Itsuki Uchiha I am a survivor of the Uchiha clan as well.
He removes a bit of his mask as my eyes widen a bit at what I see.

 He removes a bit of his mask as my eyes widen a bit at what I see

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MA- And alongside Kyoko here, we know the truth.
Sasuke's right eye turns Sharingan and begins to bleed. His pupil changes as well.

MA- Ah no! It can't be!His arm ignites into black flames

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MA- Ah no! It can't be!
His arm ignites into black flames. His screams fill up the cave as he drops the mask and falls back into the shadows. Kyoko just looks on unamused.
Sasuke- (heavy breathing) What was that just now?
Kyoko- The Amaterasu.
MA- And it seems Itachi must've implanted it inside you.
The guy picks up his mask from the shadows and puts it on.
MA- Leave it to Itachi to set a trap even after he's dead. I can't believe how well he plans ahead.
Sasuke- What's that? What are you talking about?
MA- To put it simply-
Kyoko- Itachi put a jutsu in you so that it could kill my partner here. Knowing him, he probably set up the trap so that the Amaterasu would automatically activate when you saw my partner's Sharingan
MA- Thankfully Itachi didn't know everything about me or else I would've undoubtedly be dead by now. So this was Itachi's final trick huh? Too bad it didn't work on me.
Sasuke- What is this? Just what are you talking about?
MA- Itachi must've done something to you before he died. At the very end for your sake, he managed to transfer his own visual prowess to you.
Sasuke- What exactly are you telling me? I mean what, what are you trying to say? Why would Itachi do such a thing?
Kyoko- It's staring you right in your face boy. He did it to protect you. He loved you.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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