Chapter 19

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Akari (POV)
The creatures rush us albeit slowly.
Sasuke- This is a joke.
He slices one in the midsection while I kick the other away. The one I kicked away immediately comes back to try and hit me. I easily dodge left and right as it continues to struggle. I form Rasengan in my right hand and drill it into the creature's midsection tearing it in two. The downed creature begins to morph and now the creature is two little creatures.
Deidara- Haha! Not done yet!
I take out a kunai and Sasuke and I start going in on slicing these little creatures to oblivion. None of it worked however because they kept multiplying whenever we'd take them out and now we're back to back and surrounded. One of them lunges at us and Deidara detonates it. We escape the blast and land on a tree branch.
Akari- Sasuke we have to fall back and regroup.
We both take off into the forest with those things chasing after us and exploding. Sasuke starts to cut trees to make the creatures run into and go off. I leap off a branch and turn around in midair.
Akari- Two can play this game. Explosion Style: Firecracker Shuriken.
I stick my palms out and I shoot out a rain of exploding shuriken.

I stick my palms out and I shoot out a rain of exploding shuriken

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Anything it touches, it explodes on contact. The shurikens hit half of of the creatures and the forest is riddled with explosions. The other half however latched onto us.
SA- Substitution Jutsu.
They explode but we substituted out with a tree log and we circle back to Deidara and Tobi.
Tobi- Yep. I knew that wouldn't work.
Deidara- Listen Tobi! Just who's side are you on anyway?!
Deidara makes another creature. This time, a dragon.

Tobi- Tadaaa! Presenting one of my partner's signature pieces, his specialty the C2 Dragon

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Tobi- Tadaaa! Presenting one of my partner's signature pieces, his specialty the C2 Dragon.
Deidara jumps on the dragon's head.
Deidara- You know what to do Tobi?
Tobi- Yes sir partner. We're going with "that" right?
Deidara- Yup. That is the plan my man.
The dragons mouth opens up and quite a few little creatures come rolling out.
Deidara- I'm counting on you Tobi.
Tobi- Yes sir.
Akari *mind*- It's very likely that this thing can become an explosive as well. And I wouldn't doubt it can fly too. Not good at all.
Sasuke and I look at each other and we both rush in.
Tobi- Here they come. Now let's really show em the power of your pop art partner!
Deidara- Pop is dead! My art is super flat!
The dragon opens his mouth and releases a smaller dragon right towards us. I drop to my knees and slide underneath it to miss me. It comes back around to us and Deidara sets it off. The explosion gets me and it takes me off my feet. I stick the landing a few feet away from where it hit me.
Akari *mind*- So that one played the role of a guided missile.
I turn to Deidara and his dragon and notice that Tobi is gone. Deidara begins to take off. Sasuke gets ready to use another lightning attack while I dash to the point beneath the airborne dragon. While Sasuke tries to hit Deidara with his Chidori change in nature, I display my own change in nature.
Akari- Wind Style: Cyclone Rasenshuriken

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