LOVE story (page 1)

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Bio to Y/N Book

My name is Y/N and I am 23 years old. I am a writer. I went to college and want to fulfill my dream of becoming the best writer on earth. I have always wanted to write since I was young but my parents want me to be something else (you don't want to know that something). I had a younger sister but a drunk driver killed her when we walked back home from school. We both were young, I was 10 years old and she is 5 years old at the time. I always have to take care of her and do my parent's job. I was only 10. After my sister died everything is on me now. I got hit even more and they blamed me for my sister dead. I know it was my fault for not running to her and save her but I was 10 years old if I ran to her I would not know what to do and we both would die. Well, they are right. It is my fault I am the bad luck. When I turned 18, I moved out of my parent's house and got my small apartment to chase my dream. I study at (Whatever you want to put and wherever you live). It is a small college and not a lot of people know about it. There are like 500 students plus 300 people who live in this area. So 800 people live in (your city and state name). One day I heard there will be a writing competition and I was so excited about it because this is my dream. This is the dream that I want to make happen so to start I have to start with little by little. I signed up for this writing competition but the only problem I have right now is the topic of the writing competition. It was "LOVE". I don't know anything about love. I don't know what love is and I don't know what people do with love because I have never been loved before. I got told your family love is also called love but my family never loves me. They never care about me in any way. They always treat me like I am nothing but a maid and a murder. That is why I moved out and went to catch my dream. It is hard not knowing who I am and why no one loves me, not even the people that gave birth to me. This is going to be so hard but I don't want to give up. This is my only chance and this is my dream. I can make it come true. This is like a two-year writing competition, they gave you two years to come up with the best book then if they like it they will publish it. I am happy they gave us two years because this is my last year of college so I can focus on this book. I planned to write about each place that I go and write about each thing that I love since the book can be anything. They will publicize it if they like it. I want to travel everywhere so I can write about each thing that I love. I want to start with Korea, then Thailand, and more. Another thing I need is a place where it will be far away from my family, a place where no one knows who I am, and a place where I can renew my life. And a place where people are kind and help out each other. After college I didn't waste any time going home to ask for my parent's forgiveness, I just packed my things and left the state.

End of Y/N book Intro

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