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Y/N: Should we watch a movie? First movie night together?

J-Hope: Yes. What movie? I am also hungry.

Y/N: Want to eat ramen? I can make you some. I am not the best but I promise you it would not kill you.

J-Hope: Ok that works for me.

*Y/N walk to the kitchen and make some ramen for J-Hope. When she makes ramen she always puts extra stuff in them so she boils the water first, adds the sauces, and the ingredient that came with the ramen. Then she adds fresh vegetables. She then put a little bit of pepper powder and two eggs before turning off the stove. She put it in a bowl and serves it to J-Hope.*

Y/N: I hope you like it. I forgot to ask if you can eat spicy food. I put a little bit of pepper powder there so hope it ain't too spicy for you.

J-Hope: It is fine. I can eat spicy food and it smells good. I will eat now

Y/N: Go ahead.

*J-Hope took his first bite*

Y/N: How was it? Good? Spicy? Salty? Tell me

J-Hope: Give me a second to swallow this.

Y/N: I am sorry I just got excited

J-Hope: ok ready for the feedback?

*Y/N nodding*

J-Hope: The noodle is perfect. The soup is delicious but

Y/N: But what?

J-Hope: Too many vegetables

Y/N: But everything is good right? You will still try it again next time?

J-Hope: Yes I will still eat it again next time but maybe put fewer vegetables

Y/N: I gotcha. I made it my way because I love vegetables

J-Hope: I can tell that is why your skin looks healthy and sexy

Y/N: Haha nice one. So what should we watch?

J-Hope: You like Korean dramas?

Y/N: Yes I do but I don't want to cry right now. I want to laugh. I want something funny

J-Hope: Oh yes, Korean drama do has a lot of sad screens

Y/N: You are right. Do you like Jackie Chan? He has a lot of funny movies

J-Hope: Ok that works for me. I am going to finish my noodle but you can pick one of them

Y/N: Ok. I want to watch Rush Hour again cause I don't remember how it goes

J-Hope: I don't think I have ever watch that movie

Y/N: Well then prepare yourself to laugh hard.

J-Hope: I already laugh while I am around you

Y/N: Wait, you think I am funny? Thank you

*Y/N put on the Rush Hour and sit on the couch while JHope was washing his dishes. Then he came to the living room and sits next to Y/N. He pulls Y/N close to him*

J-Hope: Come closing I want to cuddle with you while watching a movie.

Y/N: I thought we would go slow.

J-Hope: It's just a cuddle, don't worry.

Author POV:

*Y'all remember JHope is a playboy so when he talks, every girl will fall in love and he has a sweet natural talking around girls*

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