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J-Hope: I am sorry. I really don't know what we are right now. I love hanging out with you and I like you a lot but part of me still wants to be friends with you.

Y/N: What do you mean by that? I really thought we were going to the next level. I thought we were feeling good about each other or I guess I am just thinking too much. Or it just all happened in my head

J-Hope: I am sorry. I wish I knew myself better but I really don't. I do love you but if I am being honest I was just using you to forget about someone.

Y/N: Come again? You are using me? Like literally using me?

J-Hope: Yes I am so sorry I am just trying to forget about my ex but she is coming to me soon

Y/N: What? Why use me? Why do things always have to happen to me?

J-Hope: I am sorry. I don't know why I am doing this. At first, I was just helping you with your book but then we hung out and I feel so good about it. I started to like you and we are doing way farther than just friends. I am going to stop after the first time we did it but it is so good so I can't stop and being with you makes me forget about my ex until a few months ago she texted me and told me that she is coming back to Korean and asking me to wait for her. I love her and I don't want her to leave me again. I am so sorry that I hurt you. I wish you would understand but I don't think you do because you have never been in love.

Y/N: *Y/N tears keep coming down* Why am I always getting hurt? For once I wish to be happy and wish that someone loves me the way I love them but I guess life doesn't like seeing me happy. You should have told me about it before so I could try not to fall in love with you but now it is too late bro. I have already loved you.

J-Hope: I am sorry. I was going to keep it a secret because I thought she will never come back to me and since I started to love you I thought I didn't need to talk about it. Then she texts me and says that she loves me and she is coming back to me so I lost all the feelings for you. I am so sorry. I hope you understand

*Y/N doesn't say anything and she runs out crying. J-Hope doesn't stop her*

J-Hope talking to himself: Please forgive me Y/N. I really do love you. I don't lose feelings for you but the love of my life is coming back to me. I know her before I know you and she is the only one who can make me happy.

Time skip: Morning

Author POV:

*Y/N was really hurt and she didn't sleep at all last night. All she did was cry but Lily was deep into her sleep so she didn't know or hear a thing. It was early 6 a.m and Y/N left the camp and took the bus to come home alone. She was hurting so much that she didn't want to see anyone's face. She just left without telling anyone.*

Time Skip: 9 a.m

Author POV:

*Everyone woke up, getting ready, preparing for food, and having plans for today. Lily woke up and didn't see Y/N sleep next to her so she thought she was already up and out with the boys. Lily got ready and came out to see the boys. She saw all the boys were together but no sign of Y/N*

Lily: Have you guys seen Y/N, boys?

Namjoon: We have not seen her yet. Why? She ain't sleep with you?

Lily: I had a perfect sleep, so I don't know what was happening but when I woke up Y/N was not there so I thought she was already up and here with you guys.

Jimin: Yes we don't see her at all. Did any of you guys talk to her last night after the game?

*J-Hope keep quiet*

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