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Y/N: Jung.. he's just checking on me.

J-Hope: Are you really close to him?

Y/N: Not really. We just know each other not too long ago but he is so kind and he helps me a lot already

J-Hope: I feel like he likes you. I want to meet him sometime.

Y/N: Nah he doesn't like me. We are just friends. I can introduce you to him sometime if you want

J-Hope: That will be awesome.

Y/N: So what should we do today?

J-Hope: I don't know. I am kind of lazy to do stuff today

Y/N: But I thought you said you want me to forget what was happening the other day so if we stay home I will still be sad and think about it.

J-Hope: Well you can walk around the house and stuff if you were bored

Y/N: I thought we would do it together. Are you ok? Are you mad or something? Why did your mood suddenly change?

J-Hope: I am sorry. I was not in the mood. I am just tired.

Y/N: But you were going to take me... You know what never mind.

J-Hope: Don't be mad. I am really tired and I want to stay indoors today

Y/N: Ok

*They both are done eating breakfast then Y/N walks upstairs while JHope stays in the living room and has the tv on. Y/N is really sad and so disappoints in him.*


Y/N: He said he will take me around but now he seems like he is tired of me. I don't know why but I feel like after he got me, he got tired of me.

*After Y/N have been in the room for an hour she decides to walk downstairs to talk to him but then he is sleeping on the couch. Y/N is really sad so she walks outside alone. The house is so big and it is in the middle of the forest and close to a river so Y/N think she will just go for a walk, look around, and take pictures. She does not realize that she goes too far. It is kinda getting close to dark so Y/N walks back but she gets lost on the way and doesn't know her way back.

She gets so scared. She is crying and screaming for help but there is nobody to help her. She keeps walking and walking but she still has not found her way so she gives up. So she just sits under a big tree and cried.*

Y/N: I think I will die here. J-Hope would not even care where I am right now. Well, at least I will get to see my sister.

JHope POV:

*I woke up, it is 5 pm, and Y/N is not coming down so I go up to the room to see if she was sleeping. When I got there the door is open, I tried to apologize to her for being an asshole this morning but I don't hear anything so I walk in and she is not there. I look around everywhere and she still not there so I went out to the river to see if she is chilling there but no one is there. I get so worried and feel so bad for the way I treated her. For all the places that I looked, she is not there so I know she is out in the wood. I went inside to get my flashlight and make my way to the wood. It gets dark so early in the wood I have to be fast but just in case if I don't make it back before dark I need the flashlight. I walk around screaming her name but I don't hear anything back so I keep walking farther and farther until I got to a big tree then I hear something. Like a crying so I point my flashlight in that direction and I see Y/N.*

J-Hope: Hey, are you ok?

*Y/N cry louder and hug J-Hope*

Y/N: J-Hope. You came for me. I thought you will never come

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