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Y/N: Whatever you want dude and I will eat everything.

Lily: Waitress. * She walked to us*

Waitress: You guys ready?

Lily: Yes, we are. Can we get Gimbap, Korean BBQ, Samgyetang, and bring all the Kimchis, please and thank you

Waitress: Ok. Is that everything?

Lily: Yes, that will be all. *Then the waitress is gone*

Y/N: I can't wait to eat bro. This is going to be the best meal ever. I am so excited.

Lily: Do you have a boyfriend or talking to anyone?

Y/N: Girl, I am too ugly to get a boyfriend that is why I never have anyone to love me in my life. I am a lonely girl. *laugh*

Lily: What do you mean, you are ugly? You are so pretty. I want to be you. You have the body, you have the face, and you have the personality. Nah, you have everything.

Y/N: Lily, you're going to make me cry. You are way too nice. And you are so damn beautiful.

Lily: You probably don't have a boyfriend because you are rejecting them when they ask you out. I know so many men want you, you just don't want them.

Y/N: *smile* Why do I need a man though? I love being alone because I can do whatever I want and no one is going to bother me. Am I right?

Lily: Yes..... Yes.... Miss independence *They both laugh*

Y/N: I signed up for a writing competition and I have to write about "LOVE" but I don't know anything about love. So this is going to be hard but for real though I know one thing that I have so much love for food.

Lily: Yes I can tell. You and your food. Can't you write about family or parent love?

Y/N: Yes I can but I still don't know about family or parent love either. My family doesn't love me and I moved out of their house when I was 18 years old. So I stand alone through good and bad times. It is really hard for an 18 years old girl but I am glad I don't give up.

Lily: I am so sorry girl. That is a tough life.

Y/N: It's ok!!! That is why I am so tough right now. I will fight anyone who hurts you. *Y/N and Lily, both laugh so hard, and everyone just looks at them*

Waitress: Here is your food ma'am. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Y/N: Thank you so much!

*Then they start eating. As Y/N and Lily are eating they saw J-hope with his group*

Y/N: Hey look it is your boyfriend J-something again.

Lily: His name is J-Hope and I wish he was my boyfriend.

Y/N: Well then go talk to him. Maybe he wouldn't mind at all. Wait, why are there so many cameras on them? And I guess those are all the BTS members.

Lily: Yes they are BTS and I think they are doing the show called "RUN BTS" right now.

Y/N: Damn there are a lot of fangirls outside. Now I feel like I am famous too. *Laugh*

*J-hope and his members look at Y/N and Lily*

Y/N: Oops, sorry I was too loud

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