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*Y/N and Lily walked back and started eating again. There was a lot of noise coming from BTS. They all seem so happy and excited. 30 mins passed by*

Y/N: I am so full now. I am so happy too because I get to eat good food.

Lily: We only know each other for like two weeks and I feel like I know everything about it. Like how happy you are with food. *Lily roll her eyes*  you and your food.

Y/N: Thank you. Should I appreciate that?

Lily: Hell yes you should.

Y/N: I need to go sign up for the gym. I can't let my body fall apart. And you can come with me when I sign up Lily.

Lily: For sure.... For sure

Y/N: *Look at the waitress* Ready to pay.

* Y/N paid for their food and as Y/N and Lily walked out Y/N looked back at the BTS and caught J-Hope looking at her. They both smile at each other and Y/N left. Y/N and Lily finally reached home.*

Y/N: Lily, Thank you so much for today. You are the best. I will see you tomorrow.

Author POV:

*Then Y/N went into her room and Lily went back to her room too. As Y/N got to her room, she took out my computer and went to her paper. She wants to write like the best book but it is hard for her because she never gets to feel love. As she keeps thinking about the paper and looking at her book topic, her tears keep coming down and all the bad memories are back. She is not sure what to do but cry. She never gets to feel the love like most people do. So it is hard for her to open up to people. Her parents never loved her in her life and sometimes it seems like they want her dead. There are so many guys in her hometown that want to date her but she keeps pushing them away because she doesn't want her life to turn out like what she experienced in the past 18 years ago. So love is not her thing but she has to make it happen because she needs this book to go far. As she keeps thinking about life, she can't stop crying. She then fell asleep in the living room with her computer still open*

NEXT DAY (Still Author POV)

*Y/N's plan for today is to go to the park and write a book then get lunch. After that, she needs to pick up some food at the store and make dinner at home. Then go to the gym after. Y/N got ready and took a 10 mins bus to the park. Then she got the perfect spot just for this book. Seems like not a lot of people know about this spot because there are not many people around and she is happy about that. She needs alone time. This is the beautiful and perfect spot of all the parks. Y/N sit down and have all her stuff ready then start writing. A few minutes later, she saw some couple walking around and holding hands from far away.*

End of Author POV


Y/N: Not going to lie, they kind of make me jealous. Oh well, one day I guess.

???: Hi, Can I sit with you?

*Y/N turned around and saw a tall guy wearing all black. He has his sunglasses on, a hat, and a mask.*

Y/N: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

*Then the guy took out his hat, sunglasses, and his mask. It was Jhope from BTS. Y/N was kind of surprised because Y/N thought idols never go out alone and their bodyguards always have to be with them. J-Hope put his hat, mask, and sunglasses back on and Y/N nodded.*

Y/N: Yes, sure you can sit. I am sorry. I didn't know it was you, the guy from BTS.

J-hope: Hey, it's ok. I dressed up like this so no one can recognize me and my name is J-Hope not the guy from BTS.

Y/N: oh yes, my bad. Sorry, I can't remember your name.

J-Hope: You are fine.

Y/N: Anyway, how are you doing? Did you come here often?

J-hope: I am doing good. Yes, I only come here when I get stressed and have a lot of stuff going on. I came here to clear my head. I thought I was the one who knew about this place.

Y/N: Haha this is my first day in this park and this is the best spot for me. Well I bet being a Kpop star must be really stressful and y'all probably won't even get to see your family and get to do what you want.

J-hope: Yes we don't really get to do anything but to be in people's eyes. Then there are cameras everywhere we go. It is stressful but I am happy that I can make my fans happy.

Y/N: You guys are such good people. Keep up the good work.

J-Hope: Thank you! What are you doing?

Y/N: I am just writing a book *smile*

J-Hope: Oh nice, what is it about? Are you almost done?

Y/N: Haha I wish. And it is about love *Y/N making a :( face*

J-Hope: Why do you look sad? I thought people are happy when they talk about love.

Y/N: Well then I am not one of those people *smile*

Jhope: Ain't love supposed to make people happy?

Y/N: I don't know. I guess so.

J-Hope: You guess so?

Y/N: I don't really know anything about love but maybe you can tell me more about it.

J-Hope: let see.... Uhhh no. We don't even know each other.

Y/N: Right Right... You are right. Why am I talking nonsense? Sorry about that. *Y/N looks sad*

J-Hope: Hey, I was just playing. I don't really know anything about love either but I had loved someone before. If you want I can help you little by little. Just let me know when you want to meet. I also love to read about love stories so I guess it will be worth it.

Y/N: You are too kind J-Hope.

J-Hope: you can call me Hobi. So you don't know BTS at all?

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