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Lily: Damn I do want them to sign my notebooks and take pictures with them.

Y/N: Go, girl. Go to them and ask. What can be wrong with it? The worst is they are busy and the guards will push you away but at least try it. I will go with you.

Lily: Really? You will go with me?

Y/N: Yes I will go with you. Now let's go. I don't want our food to be cold.

*Y/N and Lily walk to them*

Lily: I am scared. I can't do it. *Lily tryna walk back to their table but Y/N stop her*

Y/N: Ok I will do the talking for you.

*Y/N look at BTS members and introduce herself*

Y/N: Hi my name is Y/N. I don't know you guys but my friend here knows y'all. She wants to take pictures with you guys if you guys don't mind. I am sorry I never talk to famous people so I don't know what to say and I know my voice kind of sounds mean. I swear I am not mean.

RM: Hi there! That is ok. My name is RM. This is Jin, Jimin, V, Jungkook, Suga, and J-Hope.

Y/N: Nice to meet y'all and this is Lily. She here wants to take pictures with you guys.

*As Lily takes pictures with the members one by one, they are talking and laughing in Korean, and Y/N just standing there smiling like an idiot. She does know a little bit of Korean but not that much so she kind of knows what they talk about and kind of don't. BTS fans look at Y/N and Lily all mad and jealous. Y/N heard J-Hope whispered something to Suga*


J-hope: So she doesn't know who we are? Ain't we famous?

Suga: Maybe she is not into Kpop

J-hope: I guess so but I think she is kind of interesting. She is kind of cute too

Jimin: I agree with Hyung

Jungkook: What is her name again?

J-hope: Y/N

Jin: You remember her name. I think someone in love

V: I remember her name too

Jimin: Me too

Lily: Thank you so much for taking pictures with me. You guys are so nice.

BTS: You are welcome

End of BTS POV

Lily and Y/N Pov:

*Lily walked back to Y/N*

Lily: OMG I am so happy. This is the happiest day of my life. I love them so much

Y/N: Ok... Ok easy honey I see you are happy but can we go back to eat now. I am starving. SO STARVING

Lily: Ok fine but thank you for helping me.

Y/N: No worries

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