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Jungkook: Hey I just got done with practice. Do you still want to meet?

Y/N: Yes I do, do you? *I really want JHope to be the one that I have to meet but he didn't text me*

Jungkook: Ok I will meet you at the park. I had a blue jacket and blue jeans on with a hat and sunglasses.

Y/N: Sounds good to me. See you soon

*Y/N took shower and got herself ready then got a taxi to the park. 15 mins later Y/N got there and waited for Jungkook at the bunch that Jungkoon told her.*

Jungkook: Hey you

Y/N:*Y/N jumps* bro you scared me

Jungkook: Did you just call me bro?

Y/N: Sorry my bad. I am used to calling people that a lot.

*He sits beside Y/N*

Y/N: So what are we meeting here for?

Jungkook: I just want to apologize for being an ass the last time in BigHit. And I should not talk to you when I saw you the other time. Because of me, my fans are mad at you. I am so sorry about those things.

Y/N: Hey it is ok Jungkook. I know you just want to be friends with me. *Y/N smile*

*Now Jungkook is Y/N friend. He is not her crush anymore and Y/N starting to like JHope more and more each day *

Jungkook: I do. I want to be friends with you.

Y/N: You are a cutie. Shall we walk around? Or people will recognize you?

Jungkook: Nah they wouldn't. Oh, I forgot to ask how do you feel now? You told me, you have been sick. *They starting walking*

Y/N: I am ok. Things are getting better and I need to drink more water

Jungkook: You need to drink a lot of water and stay healthy.

Y/N: You think I don't know.

Jungkook: Good that you know. Did you eat anything today?

Y/N: Yes I have dinner with Lily.

Jungkook: Who is that guy holding your hand the other time?

Y/N: He is a friend of mine.

Jungkook:  Ok, did you want anything to drink?

Y/N: Are you going to pay for me? And are we close to any coffee place or boba tea place?

Jungkook: Yes, I will pay for you and we are like 10 mins away from downtown. Is that ok?

Y/N: Oh yeah for sure.

*Y/N and Jungkook walk to the tea shop.*

Employee: What would you like?

Y/N: I will have milk tea. Bubbles for the topic.

Jungkook: I will have banana milk tea.

Employee: Ok. I feel like I have seen you before *The employee looks at Jungkook.*

*Y/N and Jungkook look at each other.*

Jungkook: Who? Me?

Employee: Yes you...

*Y/N cut her off*

Y/N: Oh haha I know who you're going to say. But it is not him. This is my boyfriend.

*Y/N lies then she looks at Jungkook.*

Employee: Here are your drinks. Sorry about the misunderstanding. Thank you.

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