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Y/N: Yes I am sorry. I really don't. I was so busy with my school, working two to three jobs each school year so I don't really have time for social media. I just have an Instagram account but I barely look at it.

J-Hope: I see. Well, you are a hard worker and I know one day you will be successful. I have bothered you too much. I will let you go back to your work.

Y/N: It's fine. I am glad I got company because being alone for way too long made me go crazy about this book. *they both laugh*

J-hope: I can definitely tell. Anyway, I got to go. Have fun and let me know when you need help. My day is gonna go really great after this. Thank you!

Y/N: Have a good day J-Hope. I mean Hobi.

*Y/N and J-Hope, both say goodbye and J-hope is on his way back to BTS*

Y/N: He is so nice but man I didn't even get any sentence done here. This is going to be an interesting book for sure. *Few mins pass by* Oh shit, how can I ask for help? I don't even know his number or Facebook or anything.

End of Y/N POV

Author POV:

*Y/N got nothing done for her book but she was ready to be done for the day so she packed her stuff up, took the bus, and stopped at a restaurant that is close to her apartment and got some lunch. She picked up groceries for her dinner and walked home. Y/N apartment and the market are not that far away. As Y/N opened her door, she heard my name.*

End of Author POV

Y/N and Lily POV:

Lily: Y/N, where did you go today? I have not seen you at all.

Y/N: I just went to the park and worked on my book. And pick up some groceries for dinner. Want to join me?

Lily: You are making food? For me too?

Y/N: Yes

Lily: OMG you are the best and I will be happy to join you.

*They both walked into the Y/N apartment. Y/N start cooking*

Y/N: Guess who I saw today?

Lily: Who?

Y/N: Well you have to guess

Lily: Your future husband

Y/N: Haha what if he is really my future husband?

Lily: I know it is a he

Y/N: Yes it is a he and he is your J-Hope from BTS


Y/N: Why would I lie? And don't worry I won't take your man.

Lily: I don't know. To make me jealous

Y/N: Girl I would never do that to you. I really saw him today and we talked

Lily: You are so lucky. Why do you keep on bumping into him?

Y/N: I have no ideas bro. I guess I am just one lucky girl

Lily: So what y'all talking about?

Y/N: He asked about what I am doing and this and that. I told him I was writing a book about writing competitions. He was like "Oh this is interesting." Then a few mins after he has to go so we say goodbye.

Lily: Oh wow that is fun. You have a whole full conversation with JHope. You lucky ass bitch.

Y/N: Oh so now we are calling each other "BITCHES." Ok bitch

Lily: Did you at least take pictures with him?

Y/N: No ma'am. I didn't and I am sorry.

Lily: Why not?

Y/N: Girl I am not a fan and I don't even know BTS if not because of you

Lily: You can still take pictures with him and show them to me at least

Y/N: I am sorry. Next time if I am lucky enough I will take pictures and send them to you. I promise.

Lily: You better

Y/N: Ok done cooking. let's eat

Author POV:

* Y/N and Lily start eating. Time Skip; Lily left. Y/N was getting ready to take shower and went to bed*

End of Author POV

J-Hope POV:

J-Hope: I saw the girl who came talk to us the other day for her friend at the park today. She didn't even recognize me because I have my glasses, mask, and hat on but she was so nice when she knew it was me.

Suga: Oh that cute girl? What is her name? Uhhhh Y/N. I think she is cute.

Jimin: I agree with you Suga. I wonder if she has a boyfriend yet.

Namjoon: Guys.... Guys we need to focus on our practice and do our best for the next upcoming concert. Right now let's stop talking and start dancing.

J-Hope: Wait... I have to do something before practice. I will be right back. NamJoon, Can I borrow your phone? I left mine at home.

RM: Sure but be quick.

*J-Hope took Namjoon's phone and left for the bathroom. J-Hope search Y/N up on Instagram and DM her*

J-Hope: Hi, Y/N. This is J-Hope. I forgot to ask for your number and I am using Namjoon's phone. I look you up on Instagram. I hope it is ok. I don't have my phone with me today. I just want to give you my number and you can text or call anytime when you need help. Here is my number (xxx-xxx-XXXX). Have a good day.

*J-Hope deleted Y/N DM, log out from Namjoon's phone, and went back to my practice*

End of J-Hope POV


Y/N: Hi Hobi, Thank you. I hope you are having a wonderful night. I will text you when I need help.

End of Y/N POV

Author POV:

*Y/N put her phone away. Y/N didn't get to go to the gym because she and Lily took so long talking tonight.*

End of Author POV

Time Skip (next morning)


Y/N: I hope this is a great day because I don't have much free time anymore. I need to prepare myself for teaching. That means I need to make it all work. I need to do my very best. Oh my gosh, I hope I will be a good teacher. I hope all my students understand me and hope my nervousness doesn't make me talk fast.

*Y/N text Lily to help her go pick up some school supplies for students on their first day of school.*


Y/N: Hey Lily, can you take me to the store so I can pick up some school supplies?

*As Y/N was waiting for Lily to text her back, She made herself some breakfast burritos and a coffee. She loves coffee so much she can drink it every hour. Anyway she got a text back from Lily*

Lily: Hey girl, I am sorry I just woke up. I will take you to the store after my shower. Just give me like an hour or you can come over when you are ready.

Y/N: Ok I will finish my breakfast and be there in five minutes. Thanks, girl. You save a life.

Lily: No worry love

*Y/N Walk to Lily's apartment and wait for her to be done with her shower. As Y/N waits for Lily, she makes her some breakfast since she has not eaten breakfast yet. Y/N went through Lily's fridge and picked up some eggs, bacon, and sausages then just cooked them for her. Lily came out of the shower.*

Lily: What that smell? They smell so delicious.

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