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*It has been a while and J-Hope has not come out yet. I want to sleep already but I want to cuddle with him. Then I saw him walking out with a towel.*

Y/N: What took you so long? I had been waiting for you and almost falling asleep.

J-Hope: I know baby. I am sorry I was using a bathroom.

*J-Hope walks to Y/N and lies beside her. He pulls Y/N closer to him and Y/N rests her head on his chest.

Y/N: I like you. *She then falls asleep*

J-Hope POV:

*As I walk out of the bathroom I see Y/N laying down, waiting for me. I don't know how to tell her when Eun Ae comes back and I am getting back with Eun Ae. I lay down next to her and pull her closer to cuddle with her. Her body smells like lavender and her neck smells like vanilla. I just love it so much. She smells so damn good. I still can't stop thinking about Eun Ae tho she has been on my mind since we last text. But looking down seeing Y/N sleeping so peacefully makes me so relaxing and feel things. I don't even know what to do now. Part of me wants to be with Y/N and the other part of me wants to be with Eun Ae. I stop myself from thinking and turn the light off then I kiss Y/N on her forehand and close my eyes.*

Time Skip

*It is 6:30 a.m. Today is Saturday, Y/N and Lily are going on a trip with the students. Y/N and J-Hope alarm goes off. J-Hope gets up but Y/N is still sleeping. J-Hope goes to the bathroom to do his stuff. Ten mins later, he comes back out and Y/N still sleep*

J-Hope: Baby wakes up. You have to get up and get ready.

Y/N: Aau... I hate morning

J-Hope: How do you feel?

*Y/N sits up and her eyes still closed.*

Y/N: I am ok. I just feel lazy today. What is today?

J-Hope: Today is Saturday.

Y/N: Oh boy, I forgot we have a school trip.

J-Hope: Right I know. Now go get yourself ready. You're going to be late.

Y/N: Ok

*Y/N gets up and goes to the bathroom.*

J-Hope POV:

J-Hope: She is so cute when she wakes up. She has not done anything yet but she is still cute. She looks like a baby and her cheeks are red. I just love this girl. *J-Hope slap his own face* come back to your reality stupid. She is just a girl you use. You don't love her and Eun Ae is coming back

End of J-Hope POV

*Y/N come out of the bathroom, looking all fresh and clean. She walks toward J-Hope*

Y/N: Do I smell good?

J-Hope: Yes baby you smell so good. You smell like lavender and vanilla

Y/N: That is my favorite flower and I love the color purple and I love the smell of vanilla

*Y/N walks to her closet and picks up some outfits and goes to the bathroom to change. It is been 30 mins and Y/N is still in the bathroom so J-Hope goes knock on the bathroom door*

J-Hope: Hey you ok there?

Y/N: Yes I am fine. I just tryna put some makeup on and I am done now

*Y/N walks out looking all cute and shit.*

J-Hope POV:

*OMG, she looks so fucking cute. How am I going to tell her that I want to get back with my ex while she is here looking like a whole meal?*

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