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Y/N: Well I hope you don't mind I made you some breakfast because you have not eaten anything yet. I am sorry

Lily: What do you mean sorry? Let me get dressed real quick.

*10 mins later Lily came down*

Lily: Thank you so much for the breakfast. You the best! I will eat really quick and we can head out.

Y/N: Ok..... I am excited about teaching but kind of nervous. I hope I don't mess up

Lily: You will do fine. Everyone will love you. I know that for sure. I even love you a lot already and we only knew each other not too long ago.

Y/N: I hope so. Talking about the hope I think your crush Kpop BTS J-hope is cute.

Lily: Oh no-no. Back Off girl he is mine and only mine

Y/N: Chill... I just think he is cute, that doesn't mean I will take him from you even if I want to, I can't bro, I love you way too much. And don't you see me, I am not his type at all, and if he has to pick he will pick you over me. *smile*

Lily: Haha the thing is he won't pick any of us because we really are not his type. He likes a girl who can cook, which we don't know how to cook. Can take care of him, I don't even know how to take care of myself and my room is a mess. He also likes someone who knows how to dress, look at me and my outfit, and someone who loves their family, which we don't have one family. He likes cute girls and there is me who looks like a potato. He also likes nice girls, bro I am a monster. There are more to his ideal types. He will never look at us.

Y/N: Shit girl that sucks but I know how to cook tho. Anyway, I feel like I will be single forever. You know what let's go

Lily: Ok.... Ready

*Y/N and Lily walk to the store together. There are posters of BTS everywhere*

Y/N: Damn, they are really famous. Have you ever liked thinking about them days and nights?

Lily: you mean like in my imagination or like think about them more than idols?

Y/N: Both I guess *laugh*.

Lily: I mean I think every army did. A hard stan and soft stan.

Y/N: what is hard stan and soft stan?

Lily: You don't need to know.

Y/N: Lol ok ok but I think I like Jungkook. He is cool

Lily: Jungkook is cute but JHope is my bias

Y/N: Haha we talk too much. When are we going to be there?

Lily: I think we already passed it. I totally forgot where we were going so I kept walking. Sorry about that.

Y/N: Haha...I am not even mad. It was kind of fun

Lily: We are here

*Lily and Y/N walked into the store and Y/N picked up what she needed then they left. Walking back to their apartment is faster because they talk less but Y/N and Lily stop at a restaurant and pick up some take-out dinner. They got back to Y/N's apartment and ate their dinner.*

Y/N: This is a fun day. Thanks, girl

Lily: Not a problem. Soon school will start. I hope you are ready. My first year of teaching is ok but I was really nervous. The students are really nice tho and the teachers are so helpful.

Y/ N: I am ready I think.

End of Y/N POV

Author POV:

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