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*Y/N just watch all the armies getting BTS signature and they all look so happy and excited while she just enjoying her coffee and eat her cake*

Lily: Our turn now

Y/N: Already.

Lily: What do you mean already? We have been waiting for our turn for so long. It is almost two o'clock

Y/N: Oh I thought I was waiting like 30 mins

Lily: Yeah... Yeah let's go

*Y/N follows Lily behind as the staff is pointing at which direction they have to take. They get to Namjoon and Jin first. Lily has the biggest smile on her face*

Lily: Hi Namjoon.. *Lily voice is shaking*

Y/N: Girl calm down.

Namjoon: Hi girls. How are you?

Lily: I am doing good. I am just too excited. *Then she handed him the Love Yourself album.*

Y/N: Yes she is so excited

Namjoon: I am glad you guys come today.

Y/N: She won't miss y'all fan sign.

Namjoon: *Namjoon smiles. Then he pushes Lily's album to Jin* So what do you want me to sign Y/N?

Y/N: Oh right, I forgot about that. Lily, can I have the stuff so Namjoon can sign?

*Lily takes out a t-shirt that says Love Yourself at the front and she gives it to Y/N.*

Y/N: Here you can sign this

Namjoon: Did you love yourself?

Y/N: *Y/N fake her laugh* I do love myself.

Namjoon: That is good Y/N. You have to love yourself a lot ok

Y/N: I will.

Staff: Move to Jin. There are other fans behind you

Y/N: I am sorry.

Namjoon: *Namjoon looks at the staff then looks back at Y/N* Don't be sorry. It is my fault for keeping you here

Y/N: Not your fault Namjoon. I guess I am going to Jin now

Namjoon: Ok see you later.

*It is Jin's turn and Lily is already at J-Hope. Lily and J-Hope are talking and laughing.*

Jin: Hi Y/N. How do you feel? Do you like the fan sign so far?

Y/N: It is not that bad but I am kind of scared of your staff. They look kinda mean

Jin: They are nice I promise

Y/N: If you say so *Jin signs the shirt and Y/N moves to Suga*

Y/N: Hey Suga. Are you tired yet?

Suga: A little big and my shoulder hurt.

Y/N: Oh poor baby. Here hold my hand to gain more energy *Suga holds Y/N hand*

Suga: Aww you so sweet

Jimin: I wanna hold Y/N hand too. Suga, that is enough, it is my turn now.

*Y/N and Suga laugh*

Y/N: I will see you later Suga *Y/N then moves to Jimin and V*

Y/N: Hey guys.

Jimin: Hi Noona. *Then he holds Y/N hand right away*

Y/N: You are such a baby Jimin

V: He is a baby

Jimin: I am not. I am only being a baby for Noona, Y/N

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