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Back to Y/N POV:

*Y/N and Lily finished eating. So they walk back to their last class.*

Y/N: Last class Lily. I am tired, not going to lie. I had so much paper to grade.

Lily: Me too. Being a teacher is hard *Lily smile*

Y/N: Tell me about it

Lily: See you

Y/N: Bye

*Last class start*

Y/N: Hello everyone. I hope you guys are doing good and have a good weekend. And I hope you remember that we have two pages of essay due today so if you are done come put them on my desk. I don't take late work as you should know. And for those who are not finished or forget about it. You are in big trouble. For this essay, I give everyone full points if they have two pages. I want you guys to turn them in because I want to see how well did you do, what you need so I know where to teach most for next period class.

*As everyone has their paper turn in and they want back to their seats*

Y/N: Ok do I get everyone's paper?

Students: Yes Miss Y/N

Y/N: Guess what? Since y'all are doing so good at turning in your papers I will let you out early.

*Students are trying to pack and about to leave*

Y/N: Wait... Wait... I didn't say you can go yet. Sit down. Ok, so I will have your papers done by Wednesday. Let me know if you need help or want to talk or you can just shoot me an email. Don't let anything stop you from asking for help. You guys have a good day and you can go now. See you Tuesday

Students: See you!!

*Two male students come up to Y/N after class*

Student #1: You are so young to be a teacher and too pretty

Y/N: Haha can't a young teacher teach?

Student #2: Yes but for real tho, are you single because we are free?

Y/N: First I should not tell you my relationship, second I am your teacher and that is inappropriate, and third please don't ever do that again. I can report you guys, now you are free to go.

Student #1: We are sorry. We are just playing.

*The two students are left. Y/N walks to her office and Lily is waiting for her already*

Lily: What took you so long?

Y/N: Talking to students. I need to tell you something when we get to the bus.

Lily: What is it? Why do you look so heating up?

Y/N: It is ok. Maybe I am just tired.

*Y/N pack her stuff and they walk to the bus station. The bus here, they get inside, and sit in the back*

Lily: So what do you want to tell me?

Y/N: Ok... I know I should not say it because I feel bad for my students but I feel like I have to. After my last class, two male students came up to me and asked me if I was single. Telling me I am pretty and young then tell me they are single and shit. I don't know what to say but I told them they should not ask about my relationship and joke about it. It is bad right? I don't want to report it because I can see their future. I don't want to be someone who ruins their life. *Lily mouth dropped*

Lily: Ok girl this is bad. Students should never ask their teacher that and they should know the school rules. It is in their checkbook lists. You should report it.

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