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J-Hope: My favorite color is green and I love nature so much. I am glad you love it too.

*As they keep walking, Y/N accidentally step on the wrong step so she almost fell but J-Hope catches her. Now he has been holding Y/N hand ever since and not letting it go at all. Y/N doesn't even try to break their hand-holding. Y/N knows she loves it as much as J-Hope does.

JHope POV:

*Y/N's hand is so soft and so tiny. I want to let her hand go but I am worried that she will fall again so I keep holding on to it. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable but she didn't break the hand-holding so I didn't either.*

J-Hope: Are you ok? You want me to let go?

Y/N: I am ok. You don't have to, I feel safe. I am in love with this place. I want to come again in the future.

J-Hope: I will take you here anytime you want

Y/N: I mean like what about if I want to come in 5 years. Will you still take me?

J-Hope: That depends on you. Would you like me to bring you here again in five years?

Y/N: I mean I would be happy to

J-Hope: Then that is the deal

Y/N: Haha ok Hobi.

J-Hope: You made me feel like some type of way when you called me Hobi. *She looks confused* No... No not in a dirty way. It was cute and sweet. *Y/N smile*

Y/N: You got me all scared for a second there.

J-Hope: I am sorry.

Y/N: Haha it is ok. I think we are almost at the top now. Wow, the view is way better up here.

J-Hope: I know right. *They reach the top* You wanna take a picture?

Y/N: Yes sure. Both together? I don't like taking pictures alone.

J-Hope: Yes sure. My phone or your phone?

Y/N: Let's do my phone because you can't have me on your phone even if we are a friend

J-Hope: That sound like a good plan to me then

J-Hope thinking POV:

*We take at least 10 or 15 pictures. She has the prettiest smile. I like to see when she smiles like that. It brightens my day. She has the same smile when we accidentally locked eyes when we met the first time. That is when I can't stop thinking about it. I know you guys will think how can a girl I just met make me this happy but I am telling you I feel like I know her forever. I feel like I know her before. No one ever makes me feel like she does.*

End of J-Hope thinking pov

Y/N: You look good

J-Hope: We look good

Y/N: Haha You look good, not me for sure.

J-Hope: Nope we look good

Me: Ok if you say so

Y/N thinking POV:

*After we are done taking pictures, we take a break next to the big tree and look at the views. It was the most beautiful place that I have ever been to. I love hiking and nature stuff so this is the way to my heart. I am thinking nonsense. J-Hope will never like me or any of the BTS members will. I am not their type at all. Anyway, I am so thankful that JHope brought me here as a friend. I needed it. With all the school and about my book I need to get it out of my head first to be able to write and win the first competition. Even when we were sitting down, he didn't even let go of my hand. I love it so much but I don't want to show my expression. I never felt so much love and happiness like this in my life. This is the best day of my life but for some reason, I like it as a friend and friend. I can't stop thinking about Jungkook and I can't wait to see him. I don't know why. I am holding another man's hand but my thoughts go to another guy.*

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