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Time Skip

*It is 6:30 and Y/N's alarm goes off.*

Y/N: Man I don't even remember what time I fall asleep. I feel like I cry way too much now I feel sick. It is so hard to get up today. I got a headache, I am dizzy, and I feel cold.

*Since Y/N feels sick, she trying to check her temperature to see if she has a fever. She does have a fever and it is 110 degrees. She still forcing herself to get ready and make her breakfast to go teach but when she gets up then falls and passes out. Then she got a text from J-Hope*

J-Hope: Good morning baby, I hope you are doing good and have a great day. I will text you later

*It is already 7:30 am. J-Hope does not get any text back then Y/N got a text from Lily but she ain't got a text back either. So Lily comes knocking on the door thinking that Y/N is still asleep. This time they are going to be late. Somehow the door is not locked so Lily walks in and sees Y/N laying down on the floor. So she calls Jung. Lily knows Y/N hate hospital.*

"On the phone"

Lily: Jung, Y/N passed out

Jung: Y/N what?

Lily: Y/N passed out. I don't know why but she is not coming to my apartment to walk to the bus station this morning so I came to check on her and I found her lay on the floor.

Jung: Well did you call the ambulance?

Lily: I didn't. Y/N hate going to the hospital and I think...

Jung:  I am coming up there

*Jung hangs up and runs up to the Y/N room. Lily call the school and tell them Y/N would not be there and she will be late. Jung get to Y/N room*

Lily: Help me carry her to her bed

Jung: No I will call the ambulance

Y/N: Please don't. I don't like going to the hospital and I am ok. My fever is just a bit high. Just take me to the room and I will rest. That is all I need. Please Jung

Jung: Fine but let me take care of you today

Y/N: Ok fine.

*Jung take Y/N to her room*

Lily: Ok I am going to school. You two love birds take care of each other and let me know if you need anything. Bye Y/N. Bye Jung

Y/N: Bye Lily

Jung: Bye dude

*Lily walks to the bus station. Jung stay behind and take care of Y/N.*

Y/N: Thank you. You know you should not do that. I am fine. You can go back to your things

Jung: No I will stay here and take care of you

Y/N: Ok fine.

Jung: I will go buy you something to eat so right now just rest while you wait for me to come back.

Y/N: Yes sir.

*Jung go buy some food for Y/N. Y/N checking her phone to see if she got any text from J-Hope and she did.*


Y/N: I am sorry baby. I can't get up today because I am sick. So I am taking a break from school and just resting. A friend of mine come and take care of me. Right now he going to buy me food so I can take some medicine. You have fun at your practice.

End of the text

*Y/N just put her phone down and go back to sleep. 30 mins later Jung come back with food. Prepare food for Y/N and bring it to her room.*

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