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Next Morning

*Y/N alarm clock rings so she woke up and got ready for my classes. As she walks to the living room there was no sign of J-Hope.*

Y/N: He left already. He didn't even wait till I woke up :(

*As Y/N was making her lunch and she heard a knock on the door*

Y/N: Who is it?

Lily: Who can it be? It is me. You are late and we are going to be late again.

*Y/N open the door*

Y/N: OMG I forgot to look at the time.

Lily: I was waiting for you but you never show up so I came to check and now we are late. There is no bus for us now.

Y/N: I am so sorry. Wait, I might know someone who can pick us up.

* Y/N call Oppa Beom and tell him to pick her and Lily up because she was late. Ten mins later and he is here*

Lily: You called him?

Y/N: Well he is the only one I know so I have to call him and we teach in the same school.

Lily: Fine..... Fine, you never tell me anything when it comes to him. You always want to surprise me with him.

Y/N: I am sorry Li. He is our only chance now.

*They got in the car and 10 mins later they made it to school. They were 5 mins late. For second Y/N students thought they didn't have class. They only wait because Lily calls the principal to let her know that they will be late so the principal stops the students on time. Now Y/N start teaching. She then gives homework to her kids*

Time Skip

*Lunchtime and when Y/N went to the cafe Lily was already there and she was on her phone and smile*

Y/N: What are you doing?

Lily: *Jump* You scared me.

Y/N: Sorry

Lily: I just watch BTS live and they are so funny. BTS making fun of J-Hope

Y/N: What are they making fun of him about?

Lily: I don't know I think it is about a girl. I was not sure I just guess.

Y/N: I thought you said J-Hope doesn't have a girl.

Lily: That is what I thought too but maybe I just heard it wrong. I don't know all the Korean either.

Y/N: Haha ok if you say so. What are you getting for your lunch?

Lily: I just made a sandwich

Y/N: That looks good. I am just going to pick up some lunch from the cafeteria

Lily: Ok be quick

Y/N: Yes my love

*Y/N got her food and came back to the table. They got done eating and went back to their last class.*

Y/N: Bye Lily

Lily: Bye my love

*Y/N and Lily are so dramatic and they act like they will not see each other again*

Y/N: I really hope no students see what we did lol

Lily: Right... That shit awkward

Y/N: Haha see you

*They both walk into their last class*

Y/N: Ok guys. Do you remember what we learned yesterday?

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