Chapter 23: Gathering Allies

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The mighty Razorwhip soared over the calm sea. She carried her rider over the dragon-filled waters with a quick pace.

The duo had taken off not long before. Their destination was not far from their homeland. All it would take was a quick flight and they would be there without even having broken a sweat.

When the desired destination came into view the woman atop the dragon's back spoke up.

"Land over there Windshear."

Windshear did as she was told and landed in the center of a village she was familiar with.

"Sister!" An excited red-head called. The man walked over to her as she dismounted her dragon. As soon as she turned around he wrapped his strong arms around her and gave her a long hug. "I was wondering when you would come to visit!"

"I missed you too Dagur."

Dagur released his death grip on his sister and gave her a little bit of space.

"So I'm assuming you already know what's going on with this whole 'go and find Hiccup' thing." He inquired.

Heather nodded her head, confirming her brother's suspicions.

"But I'm also assuming that you haven't heard about the actual Hybrid we had here about a week ago," Dagur said blatantly.

She looked at him with surprise and curiosity. "Wait what! You actually saw a Hybrid in person!? "

"Mmh, we had found her a little while ago all banged up so being the very caring people we are took her back here and treated her injuries. Then Stoick came by and somehow got her to open up and a few days later she took off to what we can only speculate to be their hidden island." He filled her in as quickly as possible.

Heather just stood there stunned.

"Oh yeah, and she knows Hiccup and confirmed that he's still alive."

Now Heather was in shock. But then she let out a sigh of relief. "What was that for sis?"

"Well, this whole time I've been worried that Astrid and the others had flown off only to be chasing a ghost. And that is not what Astrid needed right now."

Dagur stared at her with confusion.

"Look, I know you probably didn't know this because you haven't actually seen them in a while, and she's usually pretty good at hiding it, but Astrid has really been missing him. She was constantly worrying that she might never see him again and that he didn't love her anymore."

"Yikes... that sounds... rough." He responded, not knowing what else to say.

"Yeah. So far I haven't gotten a Terror mail with any update on how things are going. I'm starting to get a little concerned. I've also heard no news from Stoick either but I'm not entirely sure he is getting notified on the situation. He might know just as much as we do."

Just as Dagur was about to speak, a young women wearing black, like everyone else, came up to the pair and handed him a rolled-up price of parchment. "King Dagur, this letter has just come in. I thought it would be wise to bring it to you immediately."

Dagur thanked and dismissed the young women before preparing to unroll the paper.

"I'm never going to get used to that."

"Well, I think it's fitting," Dagur remarked. He looked down over the document in his hands and read it aloud for his sister to hear as well.

"To King Defender of the Wing,

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