Chapter 5: Hope Amidst Doubt

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"I just don't understand!" Astrid screamed.

The head of her axe was wedged deep into a tree. She retrieved it getting ready to throw it again.

"How could he say something like that!"

Another 'thunk' sounded as the axe once again hit an unfortunate tree.

She pulled it out, stuck it into the ground, and looked up at her friends who were sitting on a rock watching her let all her anger out. "Stoick is his father! I at least expected some kind of hope, maybe send out a small search party but NO!" She screamed.

"Instead he just writes it off as nothing!"

Astrid took a few deep breaths to attempt to calm herself. It had a small effect.

"We have to do something. I don't know what I would do with myself if I didn't at least try."

The three had agreed that something had to be done with this new evidence. "How about we gather the others, and meet at Berserker Island so we can include Fishlegs because I know he would love to hear this. From there we'll make a plan."

They both agreed. From there Ruffnut went to find her twin brother, Heather headed off to Berserker Island to fill in Fishlegs on what was happening, and Astrid went to find Snotlout. Thankfully Snotlout didn't have Chief training today. It was one of the only days he didn't.

Anyone could tell Stoick doesn't trust Snotlout, which is why he is still Chief. Hiccup had been prepared his whole life to be the next Chief while Snotlout only had a few years. Not only that but Snotlout wanted to marry Ruffnut of all people and everyone was sure that with those two leading Berk, it would be their demise. So for the last few years, Snotlout has been put through constant training.

She wandered through the village and soon came across him. "Snotlout!" She called out. He turned towards her, giving her a questioning look. "Come we're going to Berserker Island, don't ask, I'll explain when we get there."

Before Snotlout could ask any questions Astrid was already calling for Stormfly. He called HookFang and took off after Astrid.

In the sky Snotlout met up with Astrid and the twins, all of them flying on their signature dragons. They headed in the direction of Berserker Island. Both Snotlout and Tuffnut were confused because they hadn't been filled in.

The entire way Ruff and Astrid were thinking of ideas, Tuff and Snotlout only sat confused out of their mind. Soon Berserker Island was in view. When they landed Fishlegs came up to them nearly squealing.

"Is it true Astrid!"

Astrid nodded only making him more excited. She smiled knowing that whatever they came up with Fishlegs would probably be on board.

The Chieftess had shooed everyone out of their Great Hall so the group could plan.

They quickly gathered around and table, Fishlegs barely being able to contain his excitement.

"Alright, that's it! What's going on here?" Snotlout said while Tuff nodded.

They swiftly filled them in leaving the two in a bit of shock.

"Well, that was.... unexpected," Tuffnut said.

"So now we just have to figure out exactly what we are going to and doing nothing is out of the question," Astrid said.

Fishlegs had written everything down, as usual, and was going over each detail trying to find the best plan of action. "Well if Crazy Carl said that the encounter happened not too far East from the northern markets then I saw that's where we start. There are few islands surrounding that area so we may find some clues." He suggested.

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