Chapter 15: Enemy of My Enemy

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The hunter's ship was moving across the frigid ocean toward the Heca tribe. They were accompanied by a single Berkian ship containing Spitelout and two other council members. They intended to make the trip fast and sign a peace treaty, even if it may only end up being a temporary one.

The Hecas were fierce warriors; natural born hunters as some would say. The moment an infant can use a weapon of any sort they are trained to fight, trained to kill. The Hecas were merciless in battle, having no interest in prisoners unless someone proved useful to them.

If not, then you would most likely not survive their grip.

The Berkains had decided to take the trip as an opportunity to rest. With the meeting held when Johann arrived lasting late into the night to the early morning they were exhausted. However, they insisted on getting the alliance set up as soon as possible.

They soon docked on the island and were greeted by Boral, Chief of the tribe. He was a beefy man who stood tall. Showing no fear. He had blue eyes that showed power. He had long thick blonde hair that was held back behind his head. A thick blonde beard also accompanied his face. He seemed the type of person you would want to stay far away from at all costs.

When they offloaded themselves from the ship the Berkians were greeted with a stern look from the Hecan Chief. "What are they doing here?" He said pointing a finger towards them. "They are dragon lovers." That of course was one thing Johann failed to mention clearly.

The Hecas despised dragons. Just as Berk had a mere six years ago.

When Johann told them they should probably take a ship instead of flying there they were unsure of why, but of course now it all made sense.

"Yes, Boral, I know, but there is one thing we all have in common. We want to watch the Hybrids burn.

An accursed grin grew on the Chief's face. They may not see eye to eye with dragons but Hybrids were where they were able to form a connection.

"Let us make this quick. Thor knows when Stoick will be back. Hell, he could be on his way right now." Spitelout said wanting to speed things up.

"Well then, let's go to the Great Hall."

It was a short walk to the Hecan Great Hall. Upon entering they were met with an astonishing sight.

On the wall farthest from the door was a giant mural. The image was that of a man driving his sword through the body of a Hybrid. Now, the Berkians knew that this tribe was serious when it came to Hybrids.

"For centuries our people had been ridding the world of every Hybrid in sight, putting them back in their place. Although for the past three hundred years Hybrids have been scarce we still make it our mission to hunt them down. Before we begin the alliance I would like to introduce my son, Hester."

A young man in his early twenties stepped forward respectfully. He had blonde hair like his father with dark brown eyes presumably from his mother. It was clear this boy had been well-mannered the way he waited for his father to introduce him and the way he greeted the visitors.

The Hecas may be merciless hunters but that didn't make them animals. Him being the son of the Chief he was expected to show a form of dignity, especially around visiting tribes.

There was not much to be said about Hester. Just as quickly as his father introduced him, he was dismissed. Hester seemed like a good kid. The kind that would do what was asked of him without complaint. He was in good shape and looked to be a deadly asset on the battlefield.

"Well then gentlemen, shall we get started."

Just as the visitors had hoped the temporary alliance didn't take that long to complete.

All they had to do was sign some paperwork stating they were now in a temporary three-part alliance.

The Berkains quickly boarded their ship and began heading home. They were all exhausted and saw the sun starting to peak over the horizon.

They prayed to the gods that they got back before Stoick did. Johann may have been their enemy but they agreed with him when he said Stoick would never agree with their plans. It was true that Stoick had a soft spot for his son who was now one of them. Although he did his best to hide it, a few people began to catch on.

Of course, no one questioned him about it, feeling some sympathy for his loss. But in a time like this, they couldn't trust him to put all that behind him.

When the famished Vikings finally arrived home it was well into the morning. They immediately went to bed, trying to make up for their lost sleep. As soon as they were well rested they would inform the rest of the Hooligans of what they planned to do.

The group has been flying for a few hours now. It was still a while before noon so they were making good time.

But, of course, the effects of a long fight had started maybe an hour earlier.

While everyone else was okay with the silence, the Twins made it their goal to start a conversation.

Snotlout, to no one's surprise, had started complaining about every little thing. Anything from it being too cold, to the fact that he was hungry.

Astrid had threatened multiple times that she would punch him right off his dragon. That would be enough to get him to shut up for a bit before he started again. She was really starting to consider the possibility of her threat becoming a reality.

Fishlegs would do his best to ignore them. Occasionally humming to himself trying not to lose his mind.

Hiccup stayed silent the entire time. Every now and then he would look back at them with an irritated look. At that point, he was looking for a sea stack large enough so they could rest and eat.

He thanked the gods when he finally saw one, not wanting to hear their bickering anymore.

They landed their dragons so they could rest and began eating leftover lamb chops.

For a while, they rested there until Hiccup suggested they get going again.

Now that they were rested and fed it was a much quieter flight. Soon noon came to pass them marking they had been flying for nearly six hours.

Although it was noon, therefore one of the hottest times of the day, it was still rather chilly. It wasn't as cold as it would be on Berk but was still noticeably cool.

Hiccup felt it hit hard mainly because Night Furies were not made for the colder weather. But he knew that their destination had quite a warm climate.

Even though he knew it was still at least another day of flying away, he couldn't wait to be back to what he now considered home.

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