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Hello to all who have decided to read my new book Searching for you! In case you didn't read the description this book is the sequel to my other story The Other Side of Me.

I do suggest that you read that one first if you haven't already so you won't be confused. In my opinion the writing in the beginning of that story is pretty bad, my apologies, but it gets a little better toward the end.

In this book the characters look like how they are in HTTTYD 3. Also I plan on this being a long story.

I will try to update at least once a week maybe more if I'm lucky.

Anyway I hope that everyone who does read it enjoys it, I am doing my best. Please feel free to criticize my work (just be respectful about it) I want to try and get better so if you find something wrong in the writing or something that doesn't make sense just comment, I read all the comments I can.

Like I said before if you haven't read The Other Side of Me then you may be confused while reading this one, but by all means do whatever you want.


Searching For YouWhere stories live. Discover now