Chapter 24: The Hidden Sanctuary

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The gang, accompanied by their new acquaintance, descended into the depths of the gem caves. There were many tunnels that intertwined with each other and led deeper into the island. Every now and again they would come across a larger opening in the form of an underground cavern filled with things like more glowing gems, odd cavernous plant life, and more Hybrids. Most Hybrids they saw were of dragon species that would commonly be found in cave systems and ravines, obviously.

There wasn't much conversation between anyone, besides some small nothings between Hiccup and Ván.

The deeper the gang ventured into the caves, the more Hiccup's nerves began to rise. He knew the the section of the mountain held one of the most important, and secret, conservation efforts outside of the archipelago. Even some of the Hybrids themselves were unaware of what the depths of this mountain held.

Hiccup felt a pang of hesitation in his chest the farther they went. Although these were his friends, his team, or at least they used to be, surely he could trust them. But, these circumstances were very different.

However, Ván hadn't shut down the idea entirely, surely that had to be a good sign. Ván had always been interested in humans, especially when Hiccup arrived. He was Ván's outlet to the world beyond the fog. He himself had never ventured beyond the hazed air and jagged rocks that defended their home. He was constantly fascinated by Hiccup's stories of his home-island known as 'Berk'. The young Hybrid would sit and listen for hours, never interrupting.

As the group continued farther into the dim caverns, Hiccup couldn't help but wonder how his friends would react. He had been nearly blown away when he was first brought into the mountain. Fishlegs would surely have a similar reaction, at the very least.

For a second, Ván flashed Hiccup a wary look, signifying that he, too, wasn't entirely sure about this. Revealing one of the biggest secrets within an island of secrets was certainly a hefty decision. The two would need to ensure that the mysteries of these caverns remained mysteries. Suddenly, Ván stopped, turning to the riders, speaking within underlying apprehension.

"U-um, could you guys wait right here a second?"

Then, he pulled Hiccup to the side, out of earshot from the riders. "Are we really doing this?" he asked. "Now seems a little too late to change our minds," Hiccup said, rubbing his temples. "We've already hyped them up."

"Well, I get that they are your friends and all, and you probably know them better than I do. But, if we tell them and something goes wrong, it could literally mean the extinction of an entire species." Ván said, clearly concerned.

"Listen, Ván," Hiccup said, putting his hands on Ván's shoulders, "I have lived with these people for most of my life. Were they always there for me? No. But, I know in the end they have done everything in their power to become better people. I left Berk knowing I could trust them, and that hasn't changed yet. If anything does go wrong, though, I will take full responsibility. You have my word."

Ván appeared to visibly relax at Hiccup's reassuring words. He nodded in understanding, knowing that Hiccup would handle any fallout should it happen. "Besides, where did all that courage go when you agreed to bring them down here?" Hiccup said smugly as he turned to head back to the group. Ván laughed as he followed behind him.

"Sorry about that. I just had to discuss something with Hiccup. Anyway, let's keep walking, we'll be there any minute now." Ván announed.

After taking a quick breath he turned and continued to lead the group down the caverns.

Just as he promised, the gang was nearing the end of their journey. Both Hiccup and Ván had come down these caverns so many times, they knew the trail by heart.

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