Chapter 13: Echoes of Betrayal

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An eerie mist loomed over the water surrounding the isle of Berk. A single ship moved carefully through.

Spitelout was just finishing up his duties for the night. Since he was the Chief's second in command he was supposed to care of the village while Stoick was away. Although he was confused by Stoick's sudden disappearance he was more than up to the task.

He wasn't the only one still up. Many Vikings were in the Great Hall having a drink or two. As the Jorgenson man walked through the village he saw a ship heading towards the docks. Being confused he decided to go to the docks and greet the unexpected visitor.

When he got there he was surprised to find the hunter's seal on the sail. Immediately he pulled out his axe. When the ship docked Johann stepped up from below deck with a grin on his face. A few more hunters followed in close pursuit. "You got a lot of nerve showing up here," Spitelout warned.

"Oh please I only come asking for assistance." Spitelout scoffed. "And what would someone like you need assistance for from us?" Spitlout said, still holding his axe tightly. Johann grinned.

Many Vikings were sitting at a large table keeping a close eye on their enemy. "So... care to tell us why you're here and why I shouldn't leave you to rot in the cells?" Spitelout questioned.

"Now I know that we may not see eye to eye anymore but I come here to ask for your assistance in wiping Hybrids out of our world." Murmurs began to spread quickly.

"No one has seen a Hybrid for centuries." One of the older Vikings said.

"But you have."

This angered Spitelout. "You dare to come here in the dead of night and ask us to help you. I don't know what kind of game you're playing, or how you know anything about what happened, but if you don't get out of here I'll have to force you out myself." He finished by slamming his fist onto the table. Unsurprisingly, Johann grinned.

He looked to his hunters. "Bring him in," he said harshly.

The Berkians could only sit confused.

When they returned gasps echoed through the Great Hall. They came in dragging a Hybrid. He was in rough shape. Dried blood all over his body, possibly many broken bones, and a multitude of burns. Included a few that looked rather new and were still releasing blood. "You're right, no one had seen Hybrids for centuries. Until now. There are more and more sightings every day. My hunters have shot down a few already leaving them to drown in the vast ocean. And from what I hear you don't take kindly to Hybrids, and you shouldn't. They are nothing but monsters. So here is what I am proposing. We work together, getting as much information as possible to locate their island. Once we take it down we can go our separate ways. If you choose to help then no harm will come to your dragons while you're working with us."

Johann didn't dare tell them about using the Hybrids in war.

Now, Spitelout was intrigued. "I have to agree with you. We have heard that Hybrids are beginning to step into the light so to speak. But how can we know you won't betray us."

Johann smiled devilishly. "How do you know your own children haven't?" he said.

He handed a rolled-up piece of parchment to Spitelout, cementing their partnership.

The group of friends was gathered around a fire. As soon as Hiccup said that he would tell them what had been going on they went off to find the others. It took a while for Astrid and Fishlegs to find the others, but now they sat together waiting to hear the story he would soon tell. Snotlout and Ruffnut were snuggled closely together, earning some strange looks from the others, especially Hiccup.

"So... I guess it's time I filled you in a bit."

They all nodded ready to hear what had happened over the past three years.

"It kinda started after I left Berk. Now keep in mind I don't remember much of what happened, only bits and pieces. It's all like a fuzzy dream."

"Um... you nearly killed us a few times!" Snotlout blurted out.

"Sorry about that. Anyway, when I left I wasn't really sure where I was going. But I kept flying anyway. Almost like an instinct deep down told me where to go, even if I wasn't sure myself. For a couple of weeks, I was by myself. Trying to stay away from hunters. Pretty soon, I was back on this mysterious trail of where to go."

The others sat staring, captivated by the story.

"Soon I found where I was going. What I am about to say is very important and secretive. You have to promise not to tell anyone."

Ruffnut looked at her brother. She jumped him and smacked both her hands over his mouth.

"My... l.. ps are se...l.." he said in a muffled voice.

The others rolled their eyes and promised that the information would never get out.

Hiccup took a deep breath before continuing.

"Far outside the Archipelago, there's an island where we hide. We, as in other Hybrids."

Fishlegs gasped. "So there are other Hybrids!" Hiccup nodded. Suddenly Fishlegs felt as if he might pass out from excitement. Hiccup continued anyway.

"Once I was there the others were surprised to see me. Mainly for two reasons. One, because not many Hybrids come away from the 'human world' alive and two, because Night Fury Hybrids aren't really a thing anymore."

Now everyone gasped.

"I know you're all surprised, but that's a whole other story for another time. Back to this story. Like I said they were surprised I was even able to make it to the island. They introduced me to King Axel, Queen Lillian, and their daughter Visi. They were nice and just as surprised to see me alive. They told me I could stay if I wanted. Since I didn't really have anywhere else to go I decided it would be best that I stayed. That's where I've been for the past three years."

They were all taken back. To finally learn where he had been for so long was shocking. They never thought it would happen.

"So why aren't you there now?" Astrid asked.

"Well, I usually come and go. You know how I am. You can't keep me in one place forever."

Astrid giggled to herself a little, knowing it was true.

"But a couple of nights ago a friend of mine, his name is Astir, came by saying that they're already looking for me. They do that when I am gone for too long."

They looked confused for a moment. "How long have you been gone?"

"A little over a month. We try our best to keep an eye on each other as much as possible. The worst things can happen as soon as you look away. But Astir said he would tell them I would be back by the end of the week, but that's where there's a problem. I have to go back, but I don't want to leave you guys."

Astrid thought it was sweet that he didn't want to leave them behind but she also understood that he couldn't stay with them forever.

"Wh....d..n't you .. ta.e us wi.... o." Tuffnut tried to say but his sister's hands were still held tight over his mouth. She realized that he was trying to speak and removed her hands.

"Why don't you take us with you."

Everyone agreed he was on to something... for once.

"Well, although it sounds like a good idea, the other Hybrids aren't very welcoming to humans. They just don't trust them. But maybe... I have mentioned you guys a few times to them. Maybe we could have a chance. But it's still risky. It could take a while for them to trust you even a little bit." He explained.

"But, I say it's worth a shot."

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