Chapter 21: Sharing Meals and Misfortune

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"Astir..... So how've you been?" Hiccup asked nervously.

Astir was glaring at the humans. All the riders felt immensely uncomfortable. Most of the Hybrid crowd had dispersed; their fear getting the better of them.

"Listen, I know how bad this looks, but please give them a chance." He pleaded desperately.

Although Astir trusted Hiccup and had full faith in him; this was something he didn't take lightly. He was devoted to protecting his mother, father, sister, and his people from the treachery of mankind.

Hiccup looked back at the gang signaling for them to stay there as he walked over to Astir.

Both Hybrids now had their backs turned to the riders. "Hiccup. We have been hiding from humans for over three hundred years. Do you think it was a good idea to..."

"I know, I know. But I know that these guys would never hurt us. Can't you just trust me that I know what I am doing?" Hiccup said, cutting him off.

Astir looked at him doubtfully. "Fine. But, if they hurt anyone here they will be dealt with immediately." He warned.

Hiccup let out a breath of relief. Astir was still eyeing them suspiciously. He walked over to them along with Hiccup.

"Follow me." He said his voice laced with caution.

The riders carefully followed behind them with their dragons in toe.

They walked through what the gang believed to be the main part of their village. There were many small huts with some placed higher than others. Of course with humans walking through their home the Hybrids were locking themselves in their huts, becoming defensive over their children.

Astir glared at Hiccup who only laughed nervously. Soon the group made it to a more secluded part of the village which was up much higher than the rest. It sat high on a cliffside that overlooked the village down below. A nice breeze was constantly flowing, therefore keeping the area cool.

Backed away from the cliffside was a decent-sized lodge that appeared to be unoccupied. "This is where your friends can stay on their visit." With that said Astir spread his green and black wings and flew towards the forest where they could see many patches of huts scattered throughout.

The dragons stayed outside while everyone else went inside. The place was decently large on the inside and had a homey feel to it. On the inside, it was rather dusty and seemed to have been empty for years.

In front of them was a nice seating area big enough for all of them. To the right was an eating area. Upstairs is where they assumed the rooms were. They walked upstairs and saw doors to multiple bedrooms. Each room was large on the inside and could hold a few people.

There were six rooms in total but they wouldn't need all of them. Astrid, Fishlegs, and Tuffnut each took their own room. While Ruffnut and Snotlout took a room for them to share.

Hiccup just sat in the resting area while his friends organized all their things in their respective rooms. Since he lived on the island he already had a hut of his own and had no need to stay in the guest cabin. As each rider finished up they came downstairs and sat with him.

For a while, they sat in silence once they had all come downstairs until Hiccup spoke up.

"Well, today was... interesting ."

They all agreed. The day had been equally exhausting and exciting. Each one was ready to crash into bed but they were starving.

"I'll leave you guys to get situated and you can meet me outside." He said headed out of the cabin.

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