Chapter 20: Captives and Conspirators

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"Put me down ya filthy...!"

"Shut it!"

The cell door was shut harshly as the three guards walked away.



Stoick stared at the Blacksmith confused. "What happened to you?"

"I could say the same for you. I was trying to put an end to what's going on up there but it was no use. They've lost their minds!"

"Tell me about it."

Gobber's gaze shifted. "Is that..."

Annie looked up at him, eyes slightly slit.

"Gobber, this is Annie, and yes, she's a Hybrid. Annie, this is Gobber. You don't have to worry he's on our side."

Annie took a deep breath, calming herself.

"He's right, lass, I won't hurt you. I would shake your hand but um.... can't exactly do that right now."

Annie chuckled slightly. "Well, um, it's nice to meet you Gobber, even if it isn't under the best circumstances."

"Wait a minute. You're a living Hybrid.... so that means!" Gobber said feeling excitement in his heart. Stoick nodded confirming his speculation. "Oh boy! This is great. I'm so happy I could just...." he said, getting ready to break into song.

"Now's not the time, Gobber." He said swiftly halting the Blacksmith. Gobber nodded. "So you have any ideas on how we're gonna get out of here," Stoick asked, fearing for Annie's life, knowing what would happen if they didn't do something soon.

Gobber shook his head, understanding what Stoick was implying. He too knew what could happen to the young women.

"Well, we can't just do nothin' about it. The village has lost their mind...." Annie interrupted.

"Oh no, no, no. I just realized something. If Hiccup, or any Hybrid, finds out I'm stuck here, then they'll come after me. I have a feeling that's what they want. To draw in the Hybrids. No... that can't happen. I have to get out of here." Annie said, starting to freak out a little.

"We have to find a way out of here." She stated firmly.

"I don't think that will be happening." A familiar voice came from the shadows.

The three prisoners were alert. Johann stepped from the darkness. "Well, well. What do we have here? A fine young lady." He said, stepping closer to Annie's cell. "You keep away from her!" Roared Stoick.

"Stoick you are no longer in a position to give me orders." He said glaring at the Chief.

"What do you want, ye traitor?" Gobber asked.

"Well, what I want is for Berk to fall. But it would be better to use them first. Of course, it wasn't that hard to get them on board. After having their own Hybrid experience it was easy to get them to help in hunting down every single one. But, you know me, I have much more planned out."

If looks could kill them Johann would be a rotting corpse.

Johann gave his classic devilish grin before turning and walking back into the shadows.

"Get those catapults unloaded!"

Chief Boral was barking orders at his men making it clear he was in charge here. Many weapons of warfare were being unloaded from their ships.

The Berkians hadn't seen weapons like these since the war between Berk and dragons had ended.

But, now, those deadly weapons were being dragged out once again. They were being set up all along the edge of the village.

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