Chapter 29: Perseverance in Adversity

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"Your Majesty, I have urgent news!"

The king became aware as one of his guards ran, quickly toward him, clearly having come urgently. "Yes, what is it?"

"Annie's caretakers say she has not returned. No one can find her on the island."

The king's eyes widened. "She did not fly back with Hiccup? She was the one who wished to go out to look for him, was she not?" The king asked, coming closer to the man. "She was, your Majesty. But, it seems she never returned afterward." The guard confirmed to the king, who stood mere feet away from him now. "We have sent out small search parties to confirm she is not on the island, so far they've come up with nothing."

The king's brow furrowed as he thought for a second. "Ready some of the guards to send a search off the island. Ask Hiccup if he saw her at any point, and confirm she wasn't with him when he returned," The king ordered. The soldier gave a slight bow as he accepted his orders. "Yes, your Majesty." As the king went to turn and carry out his plans the sound of the large doors at the entrance echoed through the hall. Both men turned, the eyes falling upon two Hybrids. "Your, Majesty, please, a moment of your time," one cried. King Axel knew these two quite well. They were Annie's caretakers. The two who had been kind enough to take the child under their wings after the unfortunate loss of her parents.

Annie and her parents had been living on an island separate from the one they stood on now. One of many outlying settlements, small efforts to expand in the world again. The small village had been doing well for many years, but their luck would come to an end.

One night the island was raided by a rogue band of Hecan hunters. No leader, no directive, no motive other than slaughter. Very few were found alive the next morning. When the king had heard about the massacre he immediately flew to the island with groups of soldiers and anyone willing to lend a hand. The survivors were brought back to the island. After that day, all outlying settlements were pulled back to the island. King Axel was not willing to lose any more of his people through mindless slaughter.

The ones from that island were placed with family or in community homes. Orphaned children were given to anyone willing to take them in. Annie had been one of those orphans. Though she was not one of the youngest recovered, she was far too young to have gone through the ordeal. The elderly couple, both Monstrous Nightmares, stood with their arms, and hearts, open to her.

Now, they stood with tears in their eyes.

"Please, your Majesty, we have looked everywhere, she never returned to the island." The king approached them with gentle eyes, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. "I assure you both, I will be sending my best men and women to look for her. I will do my best to ensure Annie is returned to you unharmed. If you wish, you may both stay in the castle as long as you need while we search for her." Both looked at him thankfully, trusting their king to stay as true to his word as he possibly could. "We truly appreciate the offer, your Majesty. As long as we will not be a bother to you, or your family."

"I can assure you will be no bother. Please, stay as long as you need," he turned to one of the attendants nearby, "please get them situated in one of the guest suites."

The two expressed their thanks again as they were guided to the room. The king took a deep breath and sighed. He could only hope that this situation would have a good outcome.

He knew quite well what lurked beyond their wall of fog.

Annie stood before King Axel, determined to prove herself capable.

"Your Majesty, please understand I'm not a helpless child anymore. I want to prove myself, to make use of my skills." She stood her ground.

The king sighed. "Annie, I understand and appreciate your determination. But, I'm not sure I can willingly send you out there. What would your guardians say?" The king asked with an eyebrow raised. He knew the two were often protective of Annie, and for good reason. Now, Annie sighed. "Please, sir, I know Hiccup well enough. I know where he might go, and how to convince him to come back. And, I'm fully capable of taking care of myself out there. I've been training for years." The king looked at her, seeing her unwavering attitude.

Annie loosened up a bit and took a deep breath, noticing the uncertainty in the king's eyes. "I appreciate your concern, your Majesty, but I can't sit here my whole life. I want to be something, I want something to work for. This could be the perfect chance for me to prove myself."

The king did not speak. Annie couldn't help but flinch under his gaze.

"Father," Visi spoke up from being him, "if I may, I trust Annie's abilities. I have seen her skills on the training grounds. She is quite capable. I believe she will be successful with this task. Don't you think you should at least give her a chance?" Visi smiled at Annie, who gave her a grateful smile and a light blush in return.

Axel looked at his daughter with a proud smile. Then, he took a deep breath and turned back to Annie. "Alright, Annie, I will allow you to leave in search of Hiccup, as long as you acquire the approval of your caretakers. Please, be careful, I would hate for you to return injured. If you find Hiccup, please urge him to come home."

Annie couldn't help but light up as she offered him a bow. "Thank you so much, sir. I won't let you down." She offered one more grateful look to Visi before turning, going to prepare for her journey.

The memory lingered in Annie's mind as she looked at the clouds. Perhaps she had been foolish.

In her determination-blinded state, she had failed to think of the consequences that could follow her actions. Now, she found herself tied to a wooden pole, watched under the hateful gaze of those considered her enemy. She wasn't sure why she had been so determined to do this. She should've known she wasn't cut out for this kind of task yet.

It didn't matter now. She would be stuck there until she died, most likely. Or, they would find a way to turn her into a weapon.

One of the Hybrids had died, succumbing to his injuries. She was sure she'd meet the same fate. From what she had heard, they hadn't even respectfully disposed of his body. Only throwing off a cliff to the cold water below, left to be dragged by the tide and forgotten. She thought about the man's family. He had to have family, right? Did they know where he was? Would they ever hear about his death or the way he was unceremoniously thrown away? If she found a way off this wretched island she was determined to find them. However, he may be related to them. Son, father, or brother, it didn't matter. They deserved to know.

Upon the thought of family, she couldn't help but think of her own. They weren't her birth parents, but over the years they did everything they could to make it seem that way. Everything she had become could all be traced to them. They never let her give up. Never let her push herself down. They spent every waking hour building her up from the pile of rubble that fateful night had left her. If they had not stepped up the way they did, Annie was sure she would not be alive today. But, now, she was here, all because she didn't know when it was too much.

If she died, who would bring the news to them?

Annie shook her head, trying to disperse her thoughts. She needed to keep her head and spirits high. She, and her family, had worked so hard over the past few years to get her where she was. She wasn't going to let an island of malevolent Vikings put her down now.

She couldn't help but smirk. She would not be broken.

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