Chapter 9: Intercepted Message

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Astrid awoke the next morning seeing that everyone, besides Hiccup, was wide awake and talking amongst themselves. She slowly got up and walked to join the others, but not before giving a glance towards Hiccup, almost as if trying to confirm that he was still there. She sat by the others who greeted her kindly. Most of them still had a buzz of excitement from last night's events, especially Fishlegs.

Even Snotlout was having a hard time containing his happiness and excitement from seeing his cousin again. Astrid kept looking back towards Hiccup who was still fast asleep. Then an idea hit her. She pulled out a piece of parchment from Stormfly's saddle bag and began to write out a letter. "What are you writing Astrid?" Fishlegs asked curiously.

"Stoick asked to keep him informed in the last letter. So I figured it would be a good idea to tell him we found his son." She explained as she finished writing the letter to their Chief. Astrid called over the small purple terror that had decided to hang with them. She attached the letter to its leg and sent it to the sky. "I still can't believe we actually found him!" Fishlegs said as they all nodded in agreement.

"You think he's ever going to, you know, wake up!" Snotlout said slightly annoyed.

"I got this," said Tuffnut while standing up, cracking his knuckles, and his face sporting a devilish smile. Before he could walk any closer to Hiccup, Astrid stood up and blocked his path. "How about you let me handle this instead Tuffnut," she said not wanting Hiccup to be awoken by some painful means.

Astrid walked over to the sleeping Hiccup in his winged cocoon. As she got closer she could hear his soft breathing. Now that she was closer and had the bright sunlight to aid her vision, she could see his wings had been littered with small scars. From what, she couldn't imagine. She gently poked his wings to wake him up. Hiccup was not someone who liked to be woken up and Astrid was fully aware of that. It was a way she used to tease him. She would go into his room a little bit before he would wake up and wake him up herself.

She heard him give a soft moan of annoyance, to which Astrid giggled slightly. ' Still the same old Hiccup' she thought. "Come on sleepy head, you're the only one still asleep."

He only groaned. Then she decided to push him slightly. He swung back and forth from his tail, still not wanting to wake up. He parted his wings slightly and gave her a slightly annoyed look. She turned her head so now she saw his face the right way while the rest of the world seemed upside down. "We're all waiting for you so get up."

Now were parted more revealing his entire face, still looking very annoyed. He pulled himself up to the branch he was hanging off of and had a nice long stretch. His wings and tail vanished again as he came down from the tree. "You know I don't like it when people wake me up." He said while combing his fingers through his messy hair. "I know," Astrid replied, giving him a smirk.

They both walked over to join the others who were enjoying their breakfast. Hiccup lay on his back and looked up at the lightly clouded sky.

"Don't you dare fall back asleep," Astrid threatened.

"Don't worry... I'm wide awake." He replied

Astrid just rolled her eyes. "So, what are we going to do today?" Tuff asked.

"Well, I know that there's a lagoon on this island where you guys can swim in if you want." Hiccup suggested while sitting up. The others cheered in agreement.

Astrid seemed to be the only one who noticed Hiccup said 'Where you guys can swim' instead of saying 'Where we can swim' but decided to brush it off and follow Hiccup and the others into the forest.

The Purple Terrible Terror didn't know much. Terrors weren't exactly the smartest ones in the dragon world. But he did know one thing. He was on a mission. As soon as the scroll was attached to his leg he took to the sky and his journey began. This is what he had been trained to do.

Sometimes he wasn't exactly sure why he did it, but it just felt right. To travel over the vast ocean to deliver important messages to whoever needed it. For this letter, he was returning to what he considered home.

He hadn't been flying for long but was making good time. ' yes' he thought 'this is what I was born to do.' Now he was flying with more determination.

However, he was stopped when an arrow was sent flying through the air and made contact with his side. He gave a shrill squeak before instantly feeling exhausted and disoriented. He fell through the sky before landing harshly on a wooden deck. A man walked slowly towards the small dragon, reaching down and picking it up by the scruff of its neck. "Well, what do we have here." He said while detaching the piece of rolled-up parchment from its leg.

Once the paper was removed he harshly threw the poor dragon into the arms of another man.

He unrolled the paper and began reading it to himself.

To Stoick,

This is Astrid reporting. I have incredible news. We have managed to find Hiccup, or more he found us. Now we are unsure what to do. I can't bear the thought of leaving him so soon but we can both agree only bad things will come if we bring him back to the village. I have decided that we will stay longer with him. Maybe by staying, we can get some answers on the journal and drawings, which we received. Please tell our families not to worry. I will try to keep you updated on our findings.

From Astrid.

The man smiled devilishly, only having ill intentions. "S-sir, is it good news?" A man asked nervously when seeing his commander's sudden joy.

"Turn the boats around, we head back to base at once. Johann may want to hear about this." He commanded. "Yes Sir" the other man responded, going off to fulfill his orders.

"Well, it seems we may be meeting again.....Hiccup Haddock, and this time you won't escape so easily."

As usual, everyone on Berk was buzzing around getting all their work done. But no one could top the busy schedule of Chief Stoick. He had been awake before the crack of dawn getting a head start on his Chiefly duties. But he had also been expecting a letter. He knew the riders had only been gone for two days but he at least wanted something saying they were still okay or to report any findings. So far nothing had come. Now he was sitting in the Great Hall, looking over some paperwork when his two-limbed buddy walked in. Stoick was so focused on the papers that he didn't notice his best friend walk in until he was sitting down next to him.

"I know what yer worrin about Stoick, just trust me they're doing just fine. They're a tough group."

Gobber knew that the riders had gone off in search of Hiccup, Stoick had told him. He also hoped just as much as the Chief did that they would find him. He missed the lad. Hiccup was like a son to him, especially when he was younger. He taught Hiccup everything he knew about Blacksmithing. They had developed a special bond.

It hurt Gobber just as much to see him go. But now, with evidence that he may still be alive, Gobber was overjoyed. So much so that when he heard the news he began singing and dancing around the forge, much to Stoick's dismay.

He also knew that Stoick would be worried and would want to be constantly updated by the riders.

"I'm not doubting their survival abilities Gobber I just want to know what's going on. I mean what if they're close to finding him, I feel like I should know that. What if that journal led them to something or they figured out what the drawings meant."

Although Gobber didn't actually see the journal and what it contained Stoick did describe it to him leaving Gobber quite disturbed. He knew his apprentice was one for keeping secrets but that was beyond what he was familiar with.

Stoick was thinking about what the riders may be encountering. Were they having difficulties? Did they have more clues? Was the journal helping them? Had they already found him?

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a squawk. He looked up and saw a yellow terror coming towards him. His initial thought was that he was finally getting that update he wanted so desperately. But then another thought hit him. He had sent a purple terror. So either the riders had found another Terrible Terror and had decided to send that one instead or this was something else.

His question was answered when the bright yellow Terror landed on the table in front of him. He hastily, yet gently, took the note from its leg.

He looked over the writing. His eyes widened as he quickly got up, rushing out of the Great Hall calling for his dragon, with the note still clutched in his giant hands.

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