Chapter 12: Midnight Musings

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The riders had a long day. Most of it was spent in the warm watered lagoon. All the swimming had tired them out so now they lay with their dragons fast asleep.

But Hiccup sat wide awake. Staring off into the distance as the moon lit up the night sky.

It had gotten much colder as the sun went down and yet he wasn't fazed by the sudden chilly weather. He sat and looked up at the stars. He looked back to see if his friends were asleep, and they were.

His wings appeared again and he took to the sky. He just needed to get away for a minute.

He flew to a nearby sea stack and landed on top. He looked back up to the sky. Almost expecting someone.

Soon another winged figure appeared. It flew down from the starry sky, landing in front of him. The mysterious being had dark green wings. Its wings had black markings across them. It's tail, or more rather the three tails wrap into one, had two black streaks and one green one.

Together the tails made one sharp barb but apart they were three, equally dangerous ones.

"I knew it wouldn't take long for you guys to start worrying."

"Oh shush you. You've been missing for over a month."

Hiccup only smirked. "You can't expect me to stay on the island and hope the humans never find us like everyone else. That's not how I work."

"That's not the problem. The problem is when you disappear and don't show your face for over a month!"

"Calm down Astir."

Astir glared at him. "I'll calm down when you stop disappearing!" He said pointing an accusing finger. He turned around and looked into the distance.

"I don't think that's ever gonna happen Astir."

Suddenly Astir whipped around. His tails were separated and one was dangerously close to Hiccup's chest. "You're pushing your limits Hiccup. This is serious."

"I know, I know."

"You had better get back soon."

Hiccup looked back at the island his friends were sleeping on. Astir noticed this and placed a hand on Hiccup's shoulder. "I know you like exploring but we have to keep each other safe."

Hiccup was relieved that Astir didn't think he was hiding something. He didn't take kindly to humans. In fact no Hybrid did. But Hiccup knew he couldn't just leave them.

Over the past three years, he deeply missed his friends. They took the time out of their lives to come looking for him. He couldn't just fly away from them.

Not again.

"How about this? I'll tell them you'll be back within a week. You better be back by then." Astir suggested.

Hiccup agreed. "If you aren't back then you have to deal with whatever happens after," Astir said giving a little chuckle.

They talked for a little while before Astir flew off in the direction he came.

Hiccup flew back to the island the riders were on. He was relieved to find that none of them had woken up.

Instead of hanging upside down from a tree he just curled up on the ground, wings covering most of his body, and his tail wrapped around his body.

Hiccup didn't get much sleep that night. Not only did he stay up later than everyone else, but even after he went to sleep he was tossing and turning. He kept thinking about what he was going to do. He didn't have to heart to just get up and fly away from them. Not only would it crush them but it would crush him a little as well.

When the sun finally came up the light was brutal. He wanted to sleep in a bit, but based on what had happened the day before that wasn't going to happen.

With this fact in his head, he managed not to be the last one up.

Hiccup decided to show them around the island a little more.

Their day mainly consisted of swimming, flying, and enjoying time with each other. Thankfully they didn't seem to suspect anything was going on with Hiccup.

Soon Astrid and Fishlegs were starting to catch on.

They both noticed that Hiccup would often stray away from the group. So they decided to confront him about it.

Hiccup was sitting up against a tree while the Twins and Snotlout were going around the island looking for wild boars.

"Okay, Hiccup something is obviously bothering you so why don't you just tell us now and get it over with," Astrid said startling him slightly.

"W-what are you talking about, e-everything's fine. Nothing to worry about." He stammered.

Fishlegs and Astrid looked at each other, not believing a word he said.

"Come on Hiccup were your friends, you can tell us," Fishlegs said trying to encourage him.

"Trust me guys, everything's fine. Don't worry abo...." But Astrid cut him off.

"Hiccup, don't you remember what happened last time you said 'don't worry' ?" She said recalling what happened three years ago.

Both Hiccup and Fishlegs cringed slightly. "Okay, your right. Nothing good happens when I say that." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's just that I don't think you could understand. It's all so complicated."

They looked at each other confused.

"How about this? Get everyone together and then I will do my best to explain." They agreed and went off to find the others.

Hiccup sat and looked at the ground.

"What have I gotten myself into."

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