Chapter 7: Diary of a Little Dragon

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Soon their break was over and the riders were back out on the search. Fishlegs was constantly writing down anything that could possibly be a clue. Anything such as a dugout spot in the ground to a weird marking on a tree. Even if it could turn out to be nothing useful he still wrote it all down.

After a whole day of searching on foot, they were absolutely exhausted and they still had barely searched half the island, still coming up with nothing. Now they were sitting by a fire, cooking lamb chops. No one had anything to say, not even the Twins. All the searching had worn them out.

Suddenly they heard a small squawk. They all looked up to see a dark purple Terror coming towards them. Of course, the small terror landed on Fishlegs face, dropping the larger item it was holding. Fishlegs peeled the little dragon off his face and took the scroll from its leg. He skimmed over the note before speaking.

"Um, Astrid I think you should take a look at this."

He handed the paper over to Astrid and she started to read it aloud.

"It's from Stoick" She started.

"Dear Riders,

I have found some things that I believe could be useful to you. I was walking in Hiccup's room when I stumbled upon a hidden compartment on the floor. In this compartment, there was a notebook and a couple of stray drawings. I should warn you that the entries you will read in the journal I have sent you are quite horrifying and unexpected while the drawings that I put in the journal left me confused. I hope that these provide some help in finding my son. Please be careful on your journey, I do not want to have to explain to your parents why you disappeared completely. Also, do not worry about trying to hurry back, take as much time as you need but try to keep me informed as well.


Stoick the Vast"

"Wait what journal?" Astrid asked not having seen the journal fall from the Terror's grip.

"Maybe it's this one." Fishlegs said as he picked up the journal in front of his feet and handed it to Astrid.

She carefully took it from his hands not knowing what to expect. Fishlegs came over to her side so he too could read what Hiccup had written in this pretty beaten-up journal.

She opened it slowly not wanting to weaken the bindings even more. On the front page the words "Property of HHHIII, KEEP OUT" were written in big letters making it clear he didn't want anyone to read it. She continued and was at first taken aback by what she saw. There was charcoal scribbled all over the page almost as if he was in a fight with the paper. There were no clear words, just random lines.

The back side of that page also looked like that. But the page right next to it was where the real writing started.

As she read over it she immediately became uncomfortable and it was only the first page.

Today I felt it. Whatever this force is I want it to go away. It only brings me pain and misery. If my father ever found out he would probably kill me. Not like it matters. The whole village would probably celebrate my death. How can I be part dragon in a dragon-killing village? Every day I wish that day in the woods had never happened. I wished it was all just a bad dream, a terrible nightmare, but it wasn't. It's all real. Every bit of it. The fear, the tears, and the pain. I just want it to end.

She had only read the first page and felt like crying.

"He knew," she said. She looked again at the page for any indication of how old he was when he wrote it but there was nothing.

She turned the next few pages, past a few more scribbled pages. Soon she found the next writing entry.

A few days ago I turned eight. One of the only real birthdays I get. Of course, no one cared but it wasn't too bad. At least my dad told me happy birthday so that made me feel good. I don't blame him, he's trying his best to run an entire village of stubborn Vikings and be a father to me. Not to mention that his son only seems to bring destruction everywhere. Anyway, I should stop rambling about random stuff and instead use this book for what I intended. At the beginning, my day was pretty normal. Wake up, eat breakfast, go see Gobber, practice in the forge, and so on. But after lunch, I felt it again. I immediately noticed that it was stronger than I had ever felt before and it scared me. I didn't want it to continue to grow in power. If this is how it was going to be then I don't know what I am going to do.

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