Chapter 11: Burning Consequences

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The Hunter's ships docked on an island far outside the archipelago. For the past three years it had worked out as the perfect base. No Berkian, or any dragon lover for that matter, had come close to locating it.

The Hunters were able to plan in peace without interruption.

For a little while Krogan was the lead hunter. But after a few months Johann had decided to come and take over. Berk had finally figured out that he was playing them for fools all along and, as anyone could expect, was not happy about it.

That's when he decided it would be a good time to disappear and what better way to do it. Not only did they have a secret base but he was the one making the orders.

Viggo was nowhere to be found. He mysteriously vanished shortly after the ' Hiccup fiasco'. Not Krogan nor Johann knew where he went.

For all they knew he was dead.

Krogan hopped off the ship and headed towards the base entrance.

It mainly consisted of tunnels running deep underground creating a confusing maze to anyone who dared to try and sneak through.

The tunnels were once the home of many Whispering Death but, of course, they took care of them real fast.

Many of the tunnels emptied out into one large area, the center of the base, and where most of the planning was done. That was where Krogan was headed.

It didn't take him long to get there. Like all the other hunters on the island he had learned to travel through the tunnels with ease.

When he got there Johann was looking down at a desk, going over battle plans. "Have you brought anything worth my time?" He said without even looking up.

Krogan didn't like being under Johann's order. He hated it. But Johann made it clear that if he didn't listen to him, he would have to pay with his life.

"One of my men shot down a Terror that was carrying quite the interesting note." He said trying his best not to lose it.

He placed the letter down on the desk which finally got Johann to look up.

As soon as he finished reading an evil grin overtook his face. He sat down in his chair and ran his fingers across his bearded chin. Johann knew about what happened with Hiccup. He was informed by Krogan and Viggo, before he vanished.

"You know, Krogan, you may have actually done something useful this time"

Krogan clenched his jaw and his hands balled into fists.

"Oh don't get so testy. Let me finish. I have heard talk around. There have been more and more Hybrid sightings and yet no one knows why. People aren't taking advantage of this opportunity."

"And that is?"

"Hybrids are smarter than dragons and can be quite the useful asset in War. But just because they can do things dragons can't, it doesn't mean they can't be controlled like dragons. Much like dragons you have to break them into submission. Show them that you are in control. Once you have, they will submit to you and you then use their abilities to your advantage. And if that doesn't work, then we can wipe them out entirely.... for a second time."

Krogan grinned, liking Johanns idea for once.

"All we have to do is find out where they're coming from."

Then a thought hit Krogan.

"Are you sure that is wise? Have you not read the stories? Hybrids were not something you wanted to go up against."

Johann only snorted. "Exactly ' were'. But that was over three hundred years ago. We have no idea what they will be like now but I can almost guarantee that their numbers are nowhere near what they used to be."

"But how are we supposed to find where they're coming from?"

Johann looked at the two hunters that were in the room with them. They both exited and went off already knowing what they were supposed to do. Krogan just stood confused.

Johann gestures for him to get out of the way, which Krogan obliged too.

When the hunters returned they were dragging something in their arms, or rather someone.

It was a young man who was maybe in his early twenties. But he was not human, not even close. He had a crown of spikes coming out of his head and wings and a tail that resembled that of a Deadly Nadder.

He had many large cuts in his wings preventing any chance of him flying away. It was hard to tell what color his wings and tail were because of all the dried blood.

Johann stood up and walked in front of him. He grabbed the younger man's chin harshly, forcing him to look into his eyes.

(Just a warning this next part gets a little explicit so if you want to skip it then go ahead. Also this next scene has a swear warning)

"Now, tell me where your species hides and we get this all over with."

"Never" he spat back.

Johann released his chin and grabbed a small vile off of his desk.

He undid the top and turned to the Hybrid again.

"Do you know what this is?" He shook his head. "This, my friend, is Changewing acid. Surely you know what it can do. Now I am going to ask you one more time. Where does your kind hide?"

With all the strength he could muster the Hybrid lifted up his head and looked Johann directly in the eyes.

"G-go to Hell you son of a bitch."

"Have it your way then."

With that said Johann poured some of the acid onto the man's shoulder. Instantly it began to eat away at his skin. He screamed bloody murder.

He could hear his skin as it slowly, yet painfully, sizzled away. His consciousness began to waver but that didn't mean the pain stopped.

He felt acid was eating its way through him.

Then unexpectedly Johann grabbed his wrists, which were tightly bound together, and poured more of the acid on one of his forearms.

He screamed until he felt like he might pass out, and even then he couldn't stop himself. The entire time Johann had been smiling.

"Take him back to his cell, and don't let him die just yet."

Before they took him away Johann grabbed his chin again and looked at his face. There were tears streaming down his face. His breathing was ragged. Blood was coming out of his shoulder and his arm in alarming amounts.

"Tell me if you decide to change your mind." He said menacingly.

(Sorry about that)

The hunters dragged him away and Johann returned to his spot at his desk.

Krogan was surprised that the Hybrid even lasted through that. "All we have to do is find one that is weaker than most, easy to break. Or one that has something we can use against them. I believe that Hiccup could be just the one. He may be quite hard to break sometimes because of his natural stubborn nature but we can use the ones he loves to our advantage. He would do anything to keep them safe."

Now both men were smiling devilishly.

"I want all your flyers searching everywhere for that boy. If his little friends can do it then I am sure an entire army of flyers can do it. Don't disappoint me."

Krogan nodded before turning away. He never enjoyed doing what Johann wanted, unless of course it was something he wanted too. And indeed he wanted to find Hiccup. This time he would make sure there was no way that boy was escaping him again.

Before Johann returned to his work he decided to take a trip.

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