Chapter 24: Spiders

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*Some strong language in this chapter, brief suicidal thoughts, and a small bit of blood in this chapter*

I expected something like a punch to the gut. That the words would evoke a full-blown drama scene with hysterical crying and longing and some despair to top it off. But at the moment, all I could say was an anti-climatic "Oh. Okay"

My mind was filled with too much shock and confusion and the desperation to keep denying reality. Keep denying the fact that I was stuck here. That I would never be able to see my friends or jump into the arms of my family again.

But at the same time, my mind felt empty. Thoughts buzzed lightly beneath the surface of the controllable thoughts questioning and questioning without answer. So I did what I always did when I felt like this. I ignored it and continued on with my day to gain back the feeling of normality. To continue denying reality as if doing so would change the truth.

I snapped out of my trance-like state after hearing a knock on the door.

"Miss, your next class is soon. Please get ready for it."

"Ah, right," I replied.

'The hour passed already? I even forgot what I was really thinking about for the majority of the time. What a waste...'

Getting changed, I went down and soon my classes erased all traces of thoughts relating to the events that had recently occurred.

Except it didn't.

There was still a small, slight buzzing going on on the border of my subconsciousness, and no matter how much I ignored it, it wouldn't go away.

"Miss please pay attention!" My etiquette teacher said, not even trying to hide the exasperation from her voice.

"Ah, yes?"

"Please do not add filler words in your sentences! In such a situation like this, if you are talking to someone of lower status you are to simply say yes, while if talking to one of higher status you are to apologize along with it. Is that clear? Adding 'ah' would be showing you are caught off guard which would be a detrimental mistake!"

"Y-yes my apologies."

"Despite having higher authority, I am still in a lower status, so to me, you should be just saying yes."

"I understand."

Her expression softened. "Good. We noblewomen have it hard in society, so we must polish the limited amount of weapons we have. Please keep this in mind while practicing etiquette. I will help you improve to the best of my abilities, so I hope you try to the best of your own abilities as well"

"M-Mrs.Bronsheil..." I choked teary-eyed to the mini-speech she gave.

She cleared her mouth and looked away, a bit of pink dusting her cheeks.

"P-please do not conduct yourself in such a way. For acting as such, you shall be doing seven more balancing exercises."

'W-wait.... Could Mrs.Bronsheil possibly be a tsundere?!'

"Yes ma'am!" I shouted happily, bringing my hand to my forehead in a military salute.

"What are you doing?" She looked at my gesture in a confused manner.

"Oh oops!"

'And culture shock strikes once again'

(and despite regaining the feeling of normality, my thoughts felt more a bit more forced than usual, as if desperate to cover up the spider-web cracks that had seemed to recently be growing just ever so slightly)

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