Chapter 14: Meeting with god

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(a/n: Hello! Sorry for not taking so long to update. I decided to make a one-week update spree, so every day for a week I will update one chapter! Enjoy~)

[??? POV:]

My eyes slowly opened as I sat up.

'Ugh, my head,' I complained, before directing my eyes at the scenery.

"Where is this place?"

White. Everything was white. There was a polished white floor, white walls, and a white ceiling, or perhaps sky. It was to white to tell. The only color I could see was from my reflection on the white floor. I couldn't even see myself.

'What's going on??' I questioned, starting to panic. Looking back at my most recent memory, prior to waking up in this place, images of the truck and the girl rushed into my head.

'Oh, right. I died... I think.'

So is this the afterlife? I never expected one to exist... Let's hope someone is here because if I stay like this alone for eternity, I don't think it will be long before I start going insane.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" The soundwaves from my voice moved strangely in the area. They repeatedly faded out but then reappeared at the same volume just to fade out again, creating some sort of echo-ish yet creepier feeling. Finally, my voice faded out for one last time, not coming back again.

"Hello~ Sorry for being late!" a voice responded "nice to meet ya! I suppose I am similar to your race's definition of god, so you can refer to me as god!"

"Oh- umm, okay then. Nice to meet you," I offered a smile.

"Yup, likewise! Anyways, I told her that I was coming back in a few hours, thus I don't have much time to spend so I will cut to the chase." The voice said, seeming to originate from a strange orb of light that was moving towards me. "Well, first I guess I should change into a form that would be more comfortable for you,"

The light morphed into a 2-D anime child. It―or he, had plaster white skin and hair with light blue eyes, making the turquoise mark near his eyes stand out. His colorless face contradicted his bright and mismatching clothes; an oversized orange shirt that had 'I am the god of the new world' written on it, plain yellow shorts, and dark greenish shoes.

He bowed deeply in apology, similar to the way people do in Japan.

"I am sorry!" He confessed, squeezing his eyes shut in preparation to get reprimanded "Your death was an accident!"


"I do not think I follow what you are saying, would you mind elaborating?"

Fidgeting, the entity proceeded to explain the situation. "So, I needed to summon someone to my world, and the service who does so accidentally reincarnated you along with her... so you kind of have to start anew from my world now... "

'Wait a minute... give me a second to process things...' I set my brain to work, organizing the burst of information, and setting aside questioning if I am hallucinating or going insane for later. 'So the girl was the reincarnation target... and I am forced to get reincarnated along with her due to a mistake. I think I have caught up with the situation at hand. What a cliche plot.'

Directing my glance to the apologetic god once more, I came to a conclusion of what to do next.

'I think I can use this situation'

Forming crocodile tears at the corner of my eyes, I put on the mask of a pitiful person who was slapped in the face by realization.

"But job, my friends, mother, father... who will take care of Caramelle?? My life that I had spent 20 years building, the only life I knew...will be thrown away?!" I took a step back and let the tears silently drop for effect. The gears in my mind rush to create an imaginary life with a very close and loving family and a cat named Caramelle.

'Wow, that was even more effective than I thought it would be,' I think as I see his lip trembling, and tears forming in his eyes.

"Pft! Hahahaha! I can't-haha-keep it in '' He bursted into laughter, rolling on the floor while clutching his stomach with one hand and wiping his tears with the other.

'Huh? He saw through it?!' I thought, foreseeing an awkward conversation on my part.

"I forgot to tell you I could-haha-read your thoughts" He gasped between chuckles "I was wondering how you would react, but this went beyond my expectations"

'flip, I should have considered that.' I thought, calculating what to do next and acknowledging my mistakes. 'I was fooled due to him transforming into a child before putting on that childish apologetic act. I let my guard down...'

Letting go of my now pointless facade, I rid myself of the innocent body language I had been consciously maintaining.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't read my thoughts. Have you ever heard of privacy?"

The entity, who was calming down from its recent burst into hysterics, seemed to be hit by another fit of laughter once it saw my change in demeanor.

"Hahahaha―sorry, it is just too―pfft―oh why did I give myself human reactions along with this body?" A hue of light flowed around him, and he stopped laughing. His giant smile, though,―that seemed to hold a sinister shadow to it―remained. "Phew, that is better. Anyways, don't worry, I am only able to peer into your thoughts due to this place being a personal and custom created space. I won't be able to read your thoughts once you are reincarnated unless you give permission." He said.

"Okay. I would also like compensation, as all this reincarnation business is due to a mistake on your part."

The sinister shadows created from imaginary lighting grew darker as his smile grew bigger. While it was not the horror movie smiles, with terribly sharp teeth and wider than physically possible (although pretty much everything about an anime person is not physically possible to begin with), it was still very disconcerting.

"So what if it is on my part? This is not a company or anything, so why should I? You can't really do anything about it."

'Urgh, if I talk about morals now, he could just bring up the fact that I attempted to guilt-trip him two seconds ago...'

After reading my thoughts, the amused glint in his eye sparkled more madly than ever. Although he is now not able to laugh, the wide smile and amused glint scream that he would be laughing madly had he not taken away that ability.

"But don't worry! I am a big fan of your work, so I will make sure to reincarnate you in good conditions," The entity's smile was back to a cute and childish one. All traces of sinister smiles and amused glints in his eye were gone. He summoned a watch and a look of surprise came over his face.

"Welp, I need to go! Good luck!"

"Hey---wait! I thought you said that you could stay here for a few hours,"

"Time flows a bit differently here. Sayonara!" He said before morphing back into a ball of strange light, then disappearing from view.

Looking down at my reflection, I realize that light was overtaking me too. Before I could mentally process what was happening, I blacked out.

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