Chapter 13: Patience

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Back on earth:

[??? POV:]

Ring ring ring

The familiar beeping woke me up from the enthralling dream I was in the middle of, leaving me on a cliffhanger that I would never be able to come back to.

"It's always the good dreams that get interrupted," I complained, despite having known that my words were incorrect, and it was just a trick played by memory.

Summoning my willpower, I forced myself up from the bed and started on my daily routine. When finished, I grabbed a granola bar and ate it while getting in my car.

Today was supposed to be an ordinary day. I would go to work, get some work done, strengthen connections, and then have some free time. Fate has always had a cruel sense of humor though.

Parking my car, I proceeded to walk towards my company.

'The streets are very empty today' I look over at the teenage girl next to me. She was the only person in sight.

'It's slightly eerie...'

When the pedestrian crossing sign showed the walking symbol, the girl quickly started to cross the street with a skip in her step.


"Watch out!" I instinctively called, though with how quick the truck was coming at her, it probably wouldn't do much help.

She quickly leaped out of the way, dodging the vehicle by a narrow margin.

"Ha, not today truck-kun" she teased playfully, sticking her tongue out.

'Is she talking to a truck...?'

Before I could go into the depths of questioning her mental age, the truck turned our direction, and started speeding at us full speed. Noticing this, the girl quickly grabbed my hand and jumped to get out of the way...only to trip on a rock. Severe amounts of pain soared throughout my body as the truck ran over my legs. A cracking sound could be heard, and I am pretty sure that it was from both me and the girl's bones breaking...

A scream of pain left my lips right before the adrenaline rushed in like painkillers.

'...The driver is trying to purposely kill us?! Now that I think of it, the fact that no one is here was very suspicious... Additionally, to manage to get so little people here means that he, or a backer of his, is very influential...'

Before finishing my analyses, I realized there was no need to. I was certain to die. There is no one here to call for help, as the girl and I are certainly not in a condition to be able to do so.

From my peripheral view, I could see the girl moving her arm. Straining my head to get a better view, I realized she was holding up her middle finger.

"F* ...yo...u truck...sama" She said, before going completely limp.

'Were those seriously her last words?? Not a 'tell my family I love them' or something like that??'

My vision started to blur, and not from the tears in my eyes due to the pain.

"Ugh, to think I hit another person... I'm going to get in trouble," I heard a male voice complain after the sound of the truck opening had vibrated in my ringing ears "Well, it seems a lucky someone got a free ticket to reincarnation"

And after hearing that, my consciousness slipped.


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