Chapter 17: Target found!

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A/n: this is from 'Charlotte and her 5 disciples'.

A sigh slipped through my lips as I continued to flip through the seemingly endless stack of papers. 2 weeks had passed and I was growing more desperate by the second. I still had 27 servants that either have a male relative who is living here and hasn't seen me, or hasn't seen me directly, left to check. I didn't have much time either. I had a lot of classes, and despite the fact that (most of) the work is easy, there is a giant workload. When I tried to flip through them in the night, the marquis was informed, and he threatened to take the files away as apparently having a late-night sleep will affect my work. This is work for a first grader mind you! If I, a 10th grader who gets straight A's, can't do work for a 1st grader then I bet you not a single 9-year-old in this world can do it! This is unfair! I swear he is just doing it to annoy me! And speaking of annoying me...


'Subject: Tick tock goes the clock~

From: God

You are running out of time! You probably want to hurry up~

Good luck~ (^o^)丿'

...Yeah. He is not helping. At all.

"You darn self-proclaimed god.... Just wait till I get my hands on you..." I mumbled, spewing curses in my mind. A purple aura seemed to surround me, but I paid no attention to it.


'Subject: Tick tock goes the clock~

From: God

Kyaaa~ Scary~

But, how exactly do you plan on getting your hands on me in the first place? Lolol'

I was about to punch the message before a maid knocked on the door.

"My lady, your break is almost over. Please get ready for your class."

Groaning, I got dressed into more itchy—I mean 'proper' attire.


When lunch finally came (which I had been starting to think it would never) I quickly started devouring the beautiful meal presented to me.....until I saw my etiquette teacher give me a disappointed stare that seemed to promise a lecture the next time we meet. Sighing, I took my fork and knife and ate it in the superfluously complex way I was taught.

"Marrie, I heard that the young master is coming back tomorrow!" A maid chirped to her friend.

"Young master...? You mean my brother?" I inquired

'Oh, I forgot about him,'

The startled maid flinched at my question before regaining composure.

"Ah yes. Now that I think of it, he was not notified about your...erm change in treatment"

"Where was he before?" I asked, my curiosity slightly piqued "Perhaps I should greet him,"

"He was coming back from the academy. Apparently, a group of rather strong bandits attacked them, so they are coming a bit late" Her friend pitched in "Although the young master probably won't recognize you. I don't recall you two ever meeting in person..."


My grip on the spoon loosened, causing the spoon to droop down to a position that earned me another sigh from my etiquette teacher. However, my mind was too shocked to care.

'How could I have not thought of this before?!'

Attempting to scarf down my meal using proper manners of etiquette (which is technically impossible because one of the rules of eating 'properly' is to eat slowly) I quickly finished the heavenly meal and excused myself from the table.

Making my way to my room, I checked the clock to find I had 7 minutes before my next class. I scavenged through a drawer in my room to come across a paper I had written when I just entered this world.

'Found it'

I scanned the paper before coming to the desired section


Marquis/Father - Hates Sage

Brother - after not seeing Sage, but seeing how his father hates Sage, he began to unconsciously dislike Sage too

Mother - dead"

Florence Everflame, Sage's brother. He is the most likely (although by not much) to be a reincarnator. To confirm this fact, the self-proclaimed-god decided to actually be a bit useful for once.


'Subject: Tick tock goes the clock~

From: God

So you finally found him!

I thought you would be flipping through

those papers foreveeer~ =.='

Florence was away from this mansion and was never informed about my change in behavior so he wouldn't have any reason to suspect me of being a reincarnator. Even if he did, he can't really teleport back here. Additionally, if the self-proclaimed god wanted us to interact often (which judging by his mission, he may), he would make it someone that I can befriend and talk to when wanted. After all, it would be harder to befriend a servant (especially a male servant) due to social standing and rumors.

Putting the paper back in the drawer, I asked a maid to notify the marquis I wanted to greet my brother when he came home. I then reluctantly made my way to the room I used for etiquette lessons, preparing myself for the scolding that was sure to come my way.

Apparently, I hadn't prepared enough, as when etiquette ended, I felt like all energy was drained from my mind. I was scolded nonstop for hours and that teacher had the eyes of a hawk. Whenever I was about to space out, she quickly caught me and brought me back to attention without fail.

'' I thought to myself feeling as if I had aged 20 years.

Upon entering my room I crashed on the bed, planning to use all hours= of my break as time to sleep and recharge. It was only when I was about to fall asleep I realized.

"Wait.... I couldn't contact Florence whether I found him or not so why were you rushing me so much, self-proclaimed god?"


'Subject: Tick tock goes the clock~

From: God

It was fun to see you panic~

Hehehe~ (✿◠‿◠)'


"Self-proclaimed god... you--[censor brought to you by the system! Please consider supporting the system by [spoiler censor]]!!"


Finally done! This chapter was kind of boring but ok...

I am writing a death note fanfiction called 'A Glass Facade'. I would be grateful if you check it out if for some strange miraculous reason you are interested.

Thank you for reading! Constructive criticism greatly appreciated!

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