Chapter 9: Negotiations

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I do not own this drawing. The art belongs to its respective owner (Reagans2)

"You wish to speak with me?"

Do you know the feeling you have in school when you are called up to present the work that you were supposed to have, but haven't, finished, in front of the whole class? Yeah, multiply that feeling by 100 and you get something remotely close to what I am currently right now.

I opened my mouth, realizing how dry it felt, and replied "Yes. I take it that you must have seen the results for the appraisal ceremony?" I ask, sketching out my words carefully before slowly speaking them. I said my words in a slow, steady, and clear manner, imitating the way that speeches were spoken in the public speaking tournament I watched.

"Yes, I have. What about them?" He replied.

"Then, I would like to make a proposal," I said in an almost assertive voice, making sure that the immense amount of anxiety and desperation I felt didn't poke through. If I showed weakness, I would have a higher chance to lose. I paused a bit, to let my words sink in.

For another few seconds, silence once again filled the air. The silence was then drowned out by a wry chuckle.

"So, what is this proposal about?" The blue-black haired man inquired, his voice now holding a tint of amusement and curiosity.

"Ever since Marquis Jade's stepsister was found to be a spy, you have been quite paranoid of additional spies coming after you. You also have been trying to catch the culprit of who was behind this. Please correct me if I am wrong,"

Marquis Everflame's golden eyes widened for a quick second, completely crashing his superior demeanor, however, he quickly composed himself.

Wow, as expected as a businessman! This stuff was a bit more on the confidential side, so he most likely is extremely shocked right now. I mean, if a nine-year-old uneducated child who I only briefly saw a few times, came up to me, and started talking about one of my deepest secrets, I would probably be shocked out of my wits.

After he composed himself, I continued speaking.

"Please do not worry, so far, I do not know nor think anyone but me knows this. Continuing, I was thinking that although it may break the traditional way of doing things, I could have my powers unsealed before turning ten." I pause for a second, sketching out the ideal way to word my proposal "I would be able to create magic crystals full of my unique magic for you to use. Then, you wouldn't have to worry about being betrayed, and may even be able to get on the trail of whoever was behind Marquis Jade's step-sister." I say. It was only three seconds before I received a reply, but it seemed like an eternity.

"I see. Well, there is no reason to refuse. I will start scheduling your unsealing ceremony. Now, moving on from the proposal I--"

"I apologize for the interruption, however, the proposal is not done," I say. Now that I have a newfound worth, it shouldn't hurt to be a bit more rude."We still haven't discussed what I will be receiving."

"... what you will be receiving? Well, why should I give you anything? I can leave you on the streets at any moment."

"Then, unfortunately, I suppose we do not have a deal. Feel free to send me out on the streets," I say nonchalantly "Quite sad. With my new ability, you could compare me to a pawn that has reached the end of the board. For only a small fee, you could have turned me into a queen, the most powerful piece on the board". I heave a dramatic sigh "What a shame"

His eye twitched, and 3 red curved lines appeared on his face, to symbolize veins popping.

Uh oh... I was too bold...

"W-What do you want," The man said. His authority filled tone was replaced by an ashamed and embarrassed one.

I mentally high fived myself.

"Happy to hear! So first, I would like to be brought up in better conditions. Something similar to being a favored daughter. In fact, I would also appreciate it if you would act like a doting father to me when around people. It would greatly improve my influence. Next, I want to reserve the right to make important decisions in my life such as marriage and all. Additionally, I want 10% of the money you earn from your company."

"10%?! That is way too much! 1% would be generous!"



"7% take it or leave it. You know how much mana crystals with unique magic cost."

"Grrr... F-fine..."

"We have a deal! I may have a few more (minor) conditions, but we can discuss those later on~"

Wow. I knew Marquis Everflame was terrible at negotiating, and only did work on improving the store, however, I never thought he was that bad... me, a 16-year-old won against him!

Although mana crystals with unique magic were quite expensive, 7% of his company was way more profitable. His company should already be selling quite well, and will soon become the most popular clothing store for nobles. This is because the king and queen took a liking into the shop, therefore, the other nobles followed their lead and also started buying from the store.

That reminds me of a quote I once read from a great book. "Normalcy was a majority concept, the standard of many and not the standard of just one man.".

When you think of it, the norms of society are made due to the majority of people agreeing on them. For example, ear piercings. In modern society, if you told someone you got your ears pierced, they would probably do something along the lines of shrugging it off and commenting "cool" than moving on. However, if you told that you got your ears pierced to someone that hasn't heard of ear piercings before, they would probably look at you like you were crazy. They would probably say something along the lines of "Are you insane? Stabbing a hole in your ears so that you can stick decorations in them?".

In modern society, the hierarchy is blurred. This means that many people have to genuinely agree with a concept and accept it, for it to be accepted in society.

However, in this world, the hierarchy lines are clearly defined. People will attempt to stick up to, and please the ones above them. So, when royalty started to like the shop's clothes, nobles that had connections to the royal family (let's call these nobles 1N nobles) started replacing their clothes with the ones that the royal family liked. This would start a chain reaction, as the nobles who have connections with 1N nobles (2N nobles) will start replacing their clothes to suit the tastes of the 1N nobles and the same with the nobles that have connections with 2N nobles. Than 3N nobles, 4N nobles, and... well, you get the point.

"Then, if we are moving on, I have a question to ask," Marquis Everflame said, seeming to have regained his composure.

"Yes?" I ask, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Who exactly are you?"

Authors note:

Yay! Finally done with this chapter! (Stupid, procrastinating me decided to wait until the last minute)

Sorry if this chapter was also a bit of an information dump. I just realized how this is starting to get a bit philosophical....

If you are confused about a part, please feel free to comment on it!

Anyways, what is your opinion about Sage's father? (Marquis Everflame)

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