Chapter 3: Self proclaimed god

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This otome game takes place in a setting similar to medieval times, so there should be no modern devices, like the phone that I had almost tripped on. Judging by the 'I suppose you have had enough alone time to sort things out' I could be quite sure that this person knew a bit about my situation. I forced my shaky hand to slowly pick up the phone and input the password '111111'. The phone had many apps, all under the account of 'Sage'. In other words, this person most likely knew I was coming beforehand. I clicked on the 'Message' app. There was only one person in the contacts there. And this was the '???' person. A red, sparkling, small arrow moved back and forths at the side of this contact, signifying me to click there. I hovered my finger over the contact for a minute, unsure of whether or not I should click it, and just before I could click on it, a pop up appeared on the screen

What are you waiting for, I am a busy man,

stop hovering over the button and just

CLICK it!!!


'So this guy is watching me right now?!'

I whipped my head to the nearest window before realizing that there was none. The only light that was in this room were a few candles and a bit of light that seeped through the cracks in the door (which were too small to be able to look through). Pressing the 'OK' button, I decided to just ask him this directly. Soon after entering '???'s chat room' he sent me a new message.


Finally! I thought I would have

to wait an eternity!


May I please ask some



Sheesh, getting straight to

the point, not fun~


But sure, although I can't

guarantee I will answer all of them...


Then, first off, who are you

and why am I here


I guess you guys view

me as what you call a 'god'.

I was bored, so perhaps I brought you

here for entertainment~

''Perhaps'?' I pondered for a second, before shaking the thought off.


I don't see how I will

be entertaining to you

though... Besides,

I don't remember

giving you consent.


Don't worry my instincts are

always right! Also, I don't

think you want to go to

nothingness (you can

always tell me if you do)!

To celebrate your

arrival, I have prepared

a gift~

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