Chapter 4: Magical girl canteen~☆

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A gasp of horror and disbelief left my lips soon after my eyes started tracing down the mission window.

'<l Mission:

You are currently being mistreated by the marquess. If this persists, permanent damage may be done to your body. Find a way out of this position!

*if you fail this mission you shall receive a penalty

Time: 1 week

Reward: ??

Penalty: Heart shall stop '

'My... heart will stop?!'

"Open message window" Although my voice was shaky, it had a stern and angry undertone that hid the bits of shock and fear that had threatened to weave themselves into my voice. "Send a message to 'God'. Subject: mission penalty. Message: Please explain the mission penalty. What exactly do you mean my heart shall stop?! I refuse to take this mission."

Only 15 seconds after I had sent my message, 'god' replied back.

'Subject: Mission Penalty

From: God

Yay! You finally reacted! You're sounding so scary~ Lighten up a bit!

Also, I wouldn't recommend refusing this mission, after all, you would still receive the penalty~

And by 'heart will stop' I mean your heart will stop beating, of course, silly! Unless you don't know what happens after that~

Good luck with your mission then! Here, a gift from me!'

'God' gifted you

[Tasty & healthy food set] x 1!

You shall receive gift in physical

form as you do not have 'inventory'

(please upgrade system to unlock)


'God' gifted you [Mineral water] x 1!

You shall receive gift in physical

form as you do not have 'inventory'

(please upgrade system to unlock)


Two pop-ups came in front of me. Although they seemed like quite harmless items, after witnessing the previous event, I couldn't trust something given by that guy, and therefore ignored it.


'Subject: Mission Penalty

From: God

Aaaw, Sage-chan won't trust me, I'm hurt :'<

Don't worry, I didn't put any poison or anything! After all, why would I do that when I can just do this'

The moment I read 'this' I felt light-headed, out of breath, nauseous, and discomfort clouded my chest, shoulders, and jaw. The discomfort vanished for a few seconds, but before relief could overtake me, it returned in the form of terrible pain. After a few seconds, all these sensations vanished as if they had never existed, to begin with.

After recovering from the shock, and regaining the proper amount of air in my lungs, I realized I recognized these symptoms.

'That was definitely a heart attack. Sage never got one in the game though... so... 'god' must have caused it?!'

I was not sure how to react. If I acted angry, that 'thing' would be happy that I showed a reaction, however, I felt that I could blow my top any minute. Before I came to a conclusion, I heard a desperate growl coming from my stomach.

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