Chapter 8: Let the plan begin!

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"Than we shall now start the ceremony"

The servant poured a slight amount of mana into one of the stones. The stone then shone bright, lighting up the magic circle with what I suspect to be mana, making me assume this stone is a mana stone that stores and releases unattributed mana. The light then warped around me in an unnatural way, before traveling back into what I am pretty sure was the appraisal stone, and forming the words:

Name: @#$ERROR#%^$

Attribute: #$%$, wind magic, truth-telling magic

Mana potential: C+

Mana: C

Mana quality: B

Mana regeneration: B

Mana capacity: C-

'Wait.... Is that 'error' and those symbols the system or me being reincarnated and all?! Won't this make them suspicious of me?'

Although I may have played and completed the otome game, that doesn't mean that I know everything about this world. If I am found out, worst case scenario, I may be subjected to what is equivalent to a witch hunt in this world!

'You're over thinking! Stop acting insane!'

I watched intently for a reaction from the servant who was checking my status. His reaction morphed into one of confusion.

"I suppose that the magic circle was a bit damaged then" I quickly say, to thwart any possible death flags that may occur due to this.

"Hmm... Perhaps so" The servant replies, most of the confusion leaving his face.

I internally breathe a sigh of relief as I watch the servant record my magic skills. His eyes skim the attributes until they pause at the italicized (which I am guessing means unique attribute) 'truth telling magic' with shock. Welp, not many people in this world have seen someone with unique magic even once in their life. Or so the game says. It never really felt that way due to the Heroine being surrounded by strong and influential people, many holding unique magic.

"Okay, then we have concluded the ceremony. Please escort Lady Everflame back to her quarters"

"Waaah, that was nerve wracking" I jump onto the bed and let the newly discovered tension in my body melt away.

I look up at the newly installed 'clock' on the wall. Unfamiliar yet nostalgic scribbles that I could somehow understand as numbers lay on holographic cubes spread in random seeming places. My eyes stop as I see the 3 cubes in the center reading '7:12 pm'. The cubes that would soon be used were closer, waiting besides the center 3, to be switched out with another cube. I have to say, when it first arrived, I spent around an hour just looking at it, mesmerized by the visuals.

"I can leave this for tomorrow, right? I accomplished a lot today!" I spoke, not really realising that my cursed habit of procrastination hid sneakily in my words.

I layed down to relax, thinking of how to spend my day, when a ting of uncomfort followed by a shiver down my spine appeared. Anxious thoughts swarmed my(?) brain.

'What if the marquis isn't here tomorrow? What if I am sick? Or fall unconscious? Will I have enough time to strike a deal? My life is on the line here, what are you doing?!' I sigh, forcing myself out of bed.

Walking out of the room, I call a maid over.

"I would like to speak to the marquis." I say

"Yes, Lady Everflame, I report this to him. You can rest for now. I will go to your room to tell you when you can meet."

"I see, thank you." I respond, not processing her words completely. Only after I lay back down on the bed do I realise

'Did she just say when we can meet? Wait.... In the olden days didn't you have to schedule meetings with nobles, sometimes days in advance?! Oh fudge, I messed up! The other time we met, the butler was probably startled and forgot about the common etiquette used with nobles. Flip. What is up with me and courting death!! Ugh, let's just hope for the best....' I

never thought the day would come when I would be grateful towards my anxiety. Well, now that I think of it, I never thought the day would come off when I got reincarnated into an otome game either....

But seriously, what is up with me and dancing at the edge of life. I swear, I can imagine non-existent people watching me right now, placing bets on how long I am going to live, 1 week being the highest bet.



From: God



"You wanna go?"



From: God

Lololololol can't believe that you haven't realised'

Right after looking at the first few 'lol's, I took deep breaths, in a pointless attempt to sooth my fury. Then I decided to turn the message window off and ignore the words that were clearly there to provoke me into a raging lump of flesh, meat, bones, and fury.

Knock Knock

"The marquis said it would be fine for you to meet him immediately. Please follow me."

'Thank god- err goodness!' The seething fury that I had been feeling an instant ago was only a dot compared to the tsunami of relief that was currently washing over me.

Following the maid through the maze of a house,when my knees felt like they were about to give in, we finally reached the office. Yes I get that part of the reason why I was so exhausted is due to the lack of food this body had been receiving, but still, this house is way too big!! Who owns a house that makes a 9 year old exhausted from just walking to a certain room!

Knock knock

"Come in."

The doors giant doors to the office open up, and the black haired gold eyed handsome man known as Marquis Everflame was found (along with the calming smell of ink and paper) sitting down at his desk, facing my direction.

The maid then took her leave, and closed the doors behind her. The sound of pindrop silence filled the room for a moment, before the marquis opened his lips.

"You wished to speak to me?"

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